The Mosaic Company

09/25/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/25/2024 13:48

Specialized Disclosure Report - Form SD

Payments by Government (USD in thousands)(a)

The table below sets forth our payments made to governments for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 by government and type of payment:
Segment Resource Country Agency Taxes Royalties Fees Other Total payments
Phosphate Phosphate United States U.S. Department of the Interior - 7,683 203 - 7,886
Phosphate United States Internal Revenue Service 195 - - - 195
Phosphate United States Public Company Accounting Oversight Board - - 111 - 111
Phosphate United States United States Treasury 805 - - - 805
Phosphate United States U.S. Customs and Border Protection 1,070 - - - 1,070
Phosphate United States United States Department of Commerce - - 153 - 153
Phosphate Peru Superintendencia Nacional 141,721 - 24 - 141,745
Phosphate Peru Organismo de Evaluacion y Fiscaliza - - 438 - 438
Phosphate Peru Banco de la Nacion 686 - - - 686
Phosphate Peru Organismo Supervisor de la Inversio - - 728 - 728
Phosphate Peru Instituto Geologico Minero y Metalu - 842 - - 842
Phosphate Peru Agencia de Promocion de la Inversion Privada 18,812 - - - 18,812

Segment Resource Country Agency Taxes Royalties Fees Other Total payments
Potash Potash Canada Saskatchewan Water Corporation - - 3,875 - 3,875
Potash Canada TransGas Limited - - 11,614 - 11,614
Potash Canada Rural Municipality of Pense 160 2,123 - 27 - 2,150
Potash Canada Rural Municipality of Spy Hill 5,172 - 9 - 5,181
Potash Canada Langenburg Rural Municipality of 181 677 - - - 677
Potash Canada Minister of Finance - Revenue Division (Saskatchewan) 74,903 - - - 74,903
Potash Canada Receiver General of Canada 228 - - - 228
Potash Canada Ministry of Energy and Resources (Saskatchewan) 343,591 48,772 2,134 - 394,497
Potash Canada Water Security Agency (Saskatchewan) - - 566 - 566
Potash Canada Canada Revenue Agency 350,473 - - - 350,473
Potash Canada City of Regina - - 136 - 136
Potash Canada Saskatchewan Workers Compensation Board - - 898 - 898
Potash Canada SaskEnergy Incorporated - - 227 - 227
Potash Canada Saskatchewan Power Corporation - - 45,135 - 45,135
Potash Canada Ministry of Treasury Board and Finance (Alberta) 889 - - - 889
Potash Canada Rural Municipality of Colonsay 1,927 - - - 1,927
Potash Canada Revenue Quebec 992 - - - 992

Segment Resource Country Agency Taxes Royalties Fees Other Total payments
Mosaic Fertilizantes Phosphate Brazil Agencia Brazileira de Meteorologia - - 22 - 22
Phosphate Brazil Agencia Nacional de Energia Electrica - - 44 - 44
Phosphate Brazil Agencia Nactional de Aguas - - 262 - 262
Phosphate Brazil Agencia Nacional de Mineracao - 10,312 5 - 10,318
Phosphate Brazil Araxa-MG Prefeitura Municipal 233 - - - 233
Phosphate Brazil Catalao Prefeitura - - 29 - 29
Phosphate Brazil Cia de Saneamento Basico do Estado - - 35 - 35
Phosphate Brazil Companhia de Desenvolvimento - 9,303 - - 9,303
Phosphate Brazil Departamento de Aguas e Energia - - 60 - 60
Phosphate Brazil Fundo de Fomento a Mineracao - 1,050 - - 1,050
Phosphate Brazil Fundo Especial de D do I de P Ambie - 1,272 - - 1,272
Phosphate Brazil Fundo Especial de Desp do Gabinete - 195 - - 195
Phosphate Brazil Goias Secretaria da Fazenda 3 - 125 - 129
Phosphate Brazil Instituto Mineiro de Gestao das Agua - - 66 - 66
Phosphate Brazil Ministerio da Economia 2,186 - - - 2,186
Phosphate Brazil Municipio de Tapira - - 120 - 121
Phosphate Brazil Ouvidor Prefeitura 36 - - - 36
Phosphate Brazil Prefeitura Municipal de Cajati 147 - 17 - 164
Phosphate Brazil Sao Paulo Governo do Estado 165 - - - 165
Phosphate Brazil Secretaria Fazenda de Minas Gerais 89 - 127 - 217
Phosphate Brazil Secretaria de Estado de Fazenda 3 - 469 - 473
Phosphate Brazil Secretaria Estado Meio Ambiente - - 41 - 41
Potash Brazil Agencia Nacional de Mineracao - 3,444 - - 3,444
Potash Brazil Ministerio da Economia 9,982 - - - 9,982
(a)Payments made by our Mosaic Fertilizantes segment were made in BRL and converted to USD using the year-end average exchange rate

Payments by project (USD in thousands)(a)

The table below sets forth our payments made to governments for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, by project and type of payment:
Segment Resource Country Subnational Political Jurisdiction Project Method of Extraction Taxes Royalties Fees Other Total payments
Phosphate Phosphate United States Florida Florida Phosphates Surface 2,071 7,683 467 - 10,221
Phosphate Peru Lima Miski Mayo Open pit 161,220 842 1,191 - 163,253
Potash Potash Canada Saskatchewan Colonsay Mine Underground 80,074 4,826 1,583 - 86,483
Potash Canada Saskatchewan Mosaic Esterhazy Holdings ULC Other 142,139 26,856 46,734 - 215,729
Potash Canada Saskatchewan Belle Plaine Mine Underground 370,466 17,090 16,305 - 403,861
Potash Canada Saskatchewan Esterhazy Mine Underground 188,288 - - - 188,288
Mosaic Fertilizantes Phosphate Brazil Minas Gerais Araxa Open pit 260 9,500 67 - 9,827
Phosphate Brazil São Paulo Cajati Open pit 325 3,151 120 - 3,596
Phosphate Brazil Goiás Catalao Open pit 62 2,860 416 - 3,338
Phosphate Brazil São Paulo Corporate Other 2,184 - 23 - 2,207
Phosphate Brazil Minas Gerais Patos de Minas Open pit - 23 2 - 25
Phosphate Brazil Minas Gerais Patrocinio Open pit 2 2,738 255 - 2,995
Phosphate Brazil Minas Gerais Tapira Open pit 28 3,859 492 - 4,379
Phosphate Brazil Minas Gerais Uberaba Open pit 3 - 49 - 52
Potash Brazil Sergipe Cajati Underground 9,982 3,444 - - 13,426
Total payments 957,104 82,872 67,704 - 1,107,680
(a)Payments made by our Mosaic Fertilizantes segment were made in BRL and converted to USD using the year-end average exchange rate