European Parliament

09/18/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Developing artificial intelligence to support multilingualism in the institutions

Developing artificial intelligence to support multilingualism in the institutions


Question for written answer E-001755/2024
to the Commission
Rule 144
Catherine Griset (PfE)

The French language is being used less and less within the European institutions, contrary to the spirit of Regulation No 1 of 15 April 1958 determining the languages to be used by the European Economic Community.

Some European officials even launched a petition a few years ago to defend their right 'to use French without hiding ourselves and without making excuses'.

However, recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI) could, via machine translation, revive multilingualism without the need for additional funding.

In view of the above:

  • 1.Under its policy to promote investment and innovation in AI, is the Commission funding any applications of this technology in the field of machine translation, both written and spoken?
  • 2.If so, would it be prepared to use such applications to translate - into all EU languages - all of its documents (including internal notes, draft legislation and webpages), as well as verbal exchanges at meetings when interpreters are not available?

Submitted: 18.9.2024