City of Grinnell, IA

10/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/16/2024 11:50

Water System Improvement Updates

Work on Jordan Well 10: Work on the new drinking water supply well has been paused due to mechanical issues. The small drill rig that was brought in for the initial drilling segment and casing drilled a 36" wide hole over 200 feet below ground before a driveshaft problem stopped work. A larger rig to complete the drilling is scheduled to arrive in late October or early November and will take over where the small rig left off. We anticipate that the February completion date for the well is still accurate.

Replacement of well transmission lines: The project to replace the lines that carry water from the wells to the water treatment plant has begun. This project takes place along 1st Avenue from the East end of 1st Avenue to the treatment plant site at 2nd Avenue and Broad Street. A crew has started the process at the treatment plant and is working toward 1st Avenue. 1st Avenue between Main and Broad Streets will be closed for around 10 days. Every effort will be made to limit disruptions to traffic, but some closures will be necessary. Driveways affected by this project are being repaired as quickly as possible. Final completion date is in November of 2025, but work is not expected to take that long.

New water tower: Construction of the water tower is tentatively scheduled to begin in spring of 2025, with estimated completion in fall of 2026.

New nanofiltration water plant: Design is nearly complete. We are accepting bids for construction on October 17th. Construction of the plant can begin after the new well is complete. We are expecting the plant to be in operation in the fall of 2026, with a final completion date in the spring of 2027.

Garfield Avenue water main: Garfield Ave will be getting a new water main between Main and Broad Streets. The contractor hired had a vehicle accident involving multiple employees. They are all doing well, but will be delayed while they heal up. Once construction starts, residents who may be affected by shutdowns while the new main gets tied in will be notified before any interruptions occur.