Brian Mast

09/13/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/13/2024 10:45

Secure the Border and Stop Drug Smuggling

Last May, the House passed the Secure the Border Act-one of the toughest, most battle-ready border bills ever put on the table. It would restart President Trump's border wall, hire more border patrol agents, and reinstate the Remain in Mexico Policy.

We sent this bill locked and loaded to the Senate, but Democrats and the Biden-Harris White House buried their heads in the sand. They turned a blind eye to this bill, even as the flood of ILLEGAL immigrants streaming across our southern border exploded.

While we were ready to get to work, D.C. Dems were too busy playing political war games instead of securing the southern front. That's why the House has doubled down, firing off two more bills aimed right at the core issues-illegal border crossings and the flood of drug smuggling. Here's the intel on those bills:

  • The Subterranean Border Defense Act would force Alejandro Mayorkas devise a strategic plan to counter illicit border crossings and require him to report on it to Congress every year. Mayorkas baselessly claims that the border is secure; it's about time he shows the American people how far his department is removed from reality.
  • The DETECT Fentanyl and Xylazine Act requires the Department of Homeland Security to develop greater capacity to detect, identify, and disrupt illicit substances as they arrive in our country. These drugs have robbed far too many lives of Americans; NO MORE.

The Biden-Harris Administration has rolled out the red carpet for ILLEGAL aliens. We must restore law and order like we did under the past administration.

I will continue to fight tooth and nail to deliver this for the American people.