Banca d'Italia

10/06/2021 | News release | Distributed by Public on 10/06/2021 04:13

International research conference 'Global Value Chains: implications for firms' competitiveness, macroeconomics and trade policy'

Banca d'Italia has organized a research conference on 'Global Value Chains: implications for firms' competitiveness, macroeconomics and trade policy' that will be held online on 11-12 October 2021.

Since the beginning of the 1990s, the possibility of organizing production along global value chains (GVCs) has transformed firms' competitive strategies, affecting the allocation and remuneration of production factors among different economies and among sectors within them. The diffusion of GVCs has also had significant macroeconomic implications, leading on the one hand to greater international synchronization of economic activity and inflation, and on the other, to amplified spillovers from one country to another. The international fragmentation of production has also changed the effects of trade policies. The recent wave of protectionism, potentially compounded with the COVID-19 pandemic shock, may have led to the reorganization of global supply networks.

The conference aims to stimulate a discussion on Global Value Chains and their implications between researchers in policy institutions and leading academics. Two keynote lectures will be given by Professor Pol Antràs (Harvard University) and by Professor Bernard Hoekman (European University Institute). The complete programme is attached below.

The conference will be held online on the Webex platform and it is open to external attendees.

Please register by sending an email to [email protected]. Links to join the conference will be forwarded to you.