NEA - National Education Association

24/07/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 24/07/2024 17:12

NEA Thanks President Biden, Endorses Vice President Kamala Harris in General Election

Harris on Public Education

Vice President Harris' commitment to public schools started long before she held her current office. First as the attorney general of California and then as U.S. senator from 2017 to 2021, Harris received an "A" grade from the NEA based on how she voted on key legislation, ranging from public education to labor.

In 2020, when Harris ran for the Democratic Party's nomination then Senator Harris was a key advocate for students and educators and proposed pay increases ($13,500) for every teacher, implementing universal preschool, proposed to increase funding for Head Start and Early Head Start, and much more.

Harris has been vocal on many issues connected to education, especially in her opposition to any proposal, including Donald Trump's 2016 campaign promise to "divert public school funding to private school vouchers." In remarks opposing the nomination of Betsy DeVos, Harris said Trump's promise "would mean 'fewer teachers, fewer resources for students and parents.'" She also criticized DeVos' "record of supporting the growth of largely unregulated charter schools in Michigan," saying, "We cannot have someone who wants to lead our highest Department of Education who does not support the importance of oversight."

Most recently, Vice President Harris was instrumental in securing billions of dollars in federal dollars for our public schools as the tie-breaking vote to pass the American Rescue Plan which helped public schools recover from the pandemic. The Biden-Harris Administration has also economically supported our educators through student loan forgiveness and canceled more student debt than any other administration - $168.5 billionin relief for 4.76 million and counting. The loan forgiveness includes nearly one million public sector workers, including thousands of educators who saw their student loans eliminated through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF).

Harris on Labor

As a U.S. Senator, Harris sponsored the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act, which guaranteed the right of public employees to organize and collectively bargain in all states. Collective bargaining and labor rights are a core belief of the Californian who used her voice again to stand up for teachers demanding smaller class sizes and fair pay.

During the 2019 teachers' strikes in Los Angeles and Oakland, California, Harris said, "I'm standing in solidarity with them as they strike for improved student conditions, such as smaller class sizes and more counselors and librarians...."Teachers in my hometown of Oakland will begin striking tomorrow because they know they deserve a raise. It's shameful that they don't earn enough to live in the communities where they teach. I firmly support the teachers & hope for a quick resolution."

Harris on Racial Justice in Education

Vice President Harris is a strong believer in racial justice and during her 2020 campaign proposed to double the size of the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division while also enforcing civil rights laws and proposed the passage of new policies designed to protect every child's right to an education.

Harris believes and campaigned and her campaign plan stated: "meaningful access to education is a fundamental civil right, and, as President, she will continue to fight for all children to have access to a full continuum of early care and learning, and a safe, high-quality public education."

With the NEA's official endorsement of Vice President Harris as the Democratic nominee, educators are rallying behind her with renewed determination and unwavering support.

"This is our moment. We must unite and stand up for our students, many of whom cannot yet vote themselves. We are their voice, and we need to make it loud and clear: Vice President Harris is the choice for their future and ours. The stakes have never been higher, and the choice has never been more clear," said Tyler Murphy, a high school social studies teacher from Lexington, Kentucky.

Educators have already begun to organize around Harris, preparing for the upcoming in Chicago beginning on August 19thwhere Harris will officially accept the party's nomination.