The Aspen Institute Inc.

09/24/2024 | News release | Archived content

Education and Career Mobility Fellowship Program Overview Update 2024 25

About the Education and Career Mobility Fellowship

Just ten years ago, employer-supported education and career mobility programs were, in large part, hidden in employee handbooks, rarely discussed around strategic tables, and infrequently prioritized in leadership roles. Now, the corporate education and career mobility movement is driving a rare triple bottom line. Individuals are growing and advancing. Companies are benefitting from increased retention and a more robust talent pipeline. And our community and nation reap the rewards of a more

There is no clear "career pathway" into roles that support these vital programs. Further, there is no community of practice devoted to helping these professionals grow and move into leadership roles, supported by peers and colleagues.

By investing in and supporting early- and mid- career professionals, we invest in and support the long-term health and growth of this movement that is transforming lives while creating business value.

The Education and Career Mobility Fellowship

In partnership with Guild, UpSkillAmerica is launching the second cohort of the Education and Career Mobility Fellowship, designed specifically to invest in the next generation of corporate education, skilling, and economic mobility leaders.

The Fellowship is an exclusive learning and professional growth series for early- to mid-career education, skilling, and career mobility program managers and administrators, built to equip Fellows with the skills and network they need to thrive in current and future roles.

Fellows will gain the knowledge, capacity, and network they need to thrive in their current roles and grow in leadership and influence in the future.

Participants will:

  • Connect with experts on a range of issues, including HR and corporate learning, skills- based talent strategies, student success, policy, and others.
  • Collaborate and problem-solve with peers and colleagues.
  • Receive tailored coaching and mentoring from experts and practitioners in employer- supported education.
  • Gain opportunities to build public profiles and influence.
  • Build a professional network for future

Program Overview

Candidates should currently work in early- and mid- career roles as individual contributors or small team leaders within corporate education, skilling, talent, and career mobility programs and have interest in growing in those roles and in the field.

Participant Profile



(September 2024) Virtual Session

Seminar 1

(October 2024)

In-Person - Nashville, TN

Seminar 2

(February 2025)

In-Person - Location TBD

Seminar 3

(July 2025)

In-Person, Location TBD

  • Monthly Check-ins and Learning Sessions
  • Peer Consulting
  • Tailored support and networking

In addition to intentionally designed network- and relationship-building activities and cross- Fellowship learning, program curriculum builds:

  • A more comprehensive understanding of the higher

education, workforce, and career mobility ecosystem.

  • A better grasp of sources of high-quality, nonpartisan data,
  • A robust network of peers and fellow problem-
  • A larger sphere of influence and higher-visibility profile among leaders.
  • A deeper commitment to equitable and high-quality education, skilling, and career mobility programming.
  • A deeper commitment to and intentionality about their own career path in corporate education, skilling, and economic

Fellows will also write and speak publicly in partnership with UpSkill America, building their public profiles.

Program Structure and Fees

Fellows will meet three times in person over nine months:

  • Seminar 1 - October 6-8, 2024 (Nashville, TN, in coordination with Guild Opportunity Summit)
  • Seminar 2 - February 26-28, 2025
  • Seminar 3 - July 23-25, 2025

*Locations will be finalized as the cohort is established.

Between in-person meetings, we will have monthly virtual sessions and ongoing chat and resource sharing.

Thanks to generous support from Guild, the costs for the Fellowship are subsidized. Companies will be required to pay $3,000 per Fellow (up to two Fellows per company are allowed), as well as travel and accommodations costs for three scheduled in-person sessions. We will seek to keep meeting costs as low as possible.

Applicants should enter into the Fellowship with every intent of joining each Seminar in-person. While we will make virtual attendance possible, it is not ideal.

Interested candidates should complete an application form and submit it no later than June 28, 2024.

Candidates are required to have a sponsor, a senior leader who can both provide permission and support the potential Fellow's career development. Submission instructions for

Visit for more information and for application forms.

Email Haley Glover, Senior Director, UpSkill America, [email protected] with questions.

About Guild

UpSkill America supports employers and workforce organizations to expand and improve high-quality educational and career advancement opportunities for America's front-line workers. We seek to create a movement of employers, civic organizations, workforce intermediaries, and policymakers working collaboratively to implement education, training, and development strategies that result in better jobs and opportunities for front-line workers, more competitive businesses, and stronger communities.

Follow us at and

About Guild

Guild is a Career Opportunity Platform that enables forward-thinking employers to invest in their employees, unlocking life-changing opportunities for personal and professional growth through learning programs, career development, and one- on-one coaching.
