COSATU - The Congress of South African Trade Unions

10/18/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/18/2024 13:51

COSATU mourns the passing of former Minister Membathisi Mdladlana

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) mourns the passing of former Minister for Labour, comrade Membathisi Mphumzi Sheperd Mdladlana. We offer our sincere wishes and support to the Mdladlana family, his friends and comrades, his political homes and our allies; the African National Congress (ANC) and South African Communist Party (SACP), and his beloved South African Democratic Teachers' Union (SADTU).

Comrade Mdladlana led a long life and made enormous contributions to the liberation struggle and building a democratic, non-racial and non-sexist South Africa. He was a person of remarkable energy and passion. He channelled these strengths into building a formidable liberation movement in the Cape, playing key roles in the ANC and SACP, the United Democratic Front, and the teachers' union.

His pivotal role in uniting teachers across race and geography saw him elected as the first President of SADTU in 1990. He was amongst the contingent of COSATU deployees to the first Parliament in 1994 where he played a pivotal role in crafting our progressive Constitution that compels the state to address the legacies of the past and the inequities of today.

In 1998 when Minister Tito Mboweni was appointed to the South African Reserve Bank, cde. Mdladlana was deployed to be the second Minister for Labour, a position he embraced with enthusiasm and nervousness. He took the baton from comrade Mboweni who had led the crafting of our progressive labour laws, and accelerated the Department's efforts towards their implementation. Minister Mdladlana worked closely with Organised Labour and Business at Nedlac to nurture labour market stability.

In his final chapter of public service, he proudly carried the South African flag as Ambassador to Burundi and High Commissioner to Canada.

Despite being a Minister, Mdladlana never lost his activist spirit. He was intolerant of corruption and entitlement. Being the principal that he was, he was stickler for rules and punctuality. He resisted the temptations of populism and sought to always be honest with the public. He nurtured generations of activists in the Cape, in the underground and after 1994. This was a man of the cloth with a salty sense of humour. A strict disciplinarian yet with a big heart. His laugh was loud and infectious.

The Mdladlana family can rest proud that a young man from the very poor community of Keiskammahoek rose to be a leader of teachers, a Minister and Ambassador. His pride at being a Principal of Andile Primary School in Crossroads and a teacher at Vukukhanye Primary School in Gugulethu, sets a wonderful example for generations of teachers.

The passing of comrades Mdladlana, Gordhan and Mboweni is not only sad for the end of these distinguished sons of the nation, but also a generation that risked much and only sought to serve, and who did so with integrity and not a flicker of scandal. We owe it to them and their families, who sacrificed so much sharing them with the people and the liberation movement, to pick up their spears and continue the struggle for a Better Life for All.

We have lost a gallant leader but are richer for the times and memories he shared with us. Rest in peace Mfundisi. You have run your race. We will be eternally grateful for sharing these journeys with you.

Hamba kahle Mkhonto. Qhawe lama qhawe.

Issued by COSATU

For further information please contact:

Matthew Parks(COSATU Parliamentary Coordinator)

Cell: 082 785 0687

Email: [email protected]