Corteva Inc.

09/04/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Discover the Optimum® GLY advantage

So, what makes Optimum GLY different?

The Optimum GLY herbicide tolerant trait allows higher glyphosate application rates and the flexibility to make applications into the reproductive stage of plant development. This enables canola hybrids to deliver on their genetic yield potential and agronomic traits to give farmers an advantage over other glyphosate technologies like Roundup Ready® canola.

The biggest difference between Optimum GLY and Roundup Ready is how the herbicide tolerant traits work.

Optimum GLY expresses an enzyme that metabolizes glyphosate upon its entry into the canola plant converting glyphosate to a herbicidally-inactive form.

Roundup Ready utilizes a gene to alter plant enzymes so they are not inhibited by glyphosate.

Upgrading from Roundup Ready to Optimum GLY means farmers can still take advantage of all the benefits herbicide tolerant trait technology offers, but with next-level improvements and performance.

Top three reasons to upgrade to Optimum GLY:

  1. Yield consistencyThe unique differences of Optimum GLY compared to the Roundup Ready system enable farmers to realize top yield potential. Optimum GLY also provides superior trait solutions that include disease resistance and harvest flexibility that contribute to yield.

    In fact, testing across 1,475 Combined Field Scale and IMPACT™ trial locations over two years showed a 103% yield increase with all Optimum GLY versus Roundup Ready and TruFlex® Canola.1

  2. Herbicide application flexibilityWith flexible rates and application timing up to first flower, Optimum GLY offers canola farmers an excellent weed control system to deliver improved annual and perennial weed control over competitive herbicide systems. Due to the way Optimum GLY expresses the enzyme that metabolizes glyphosate, the plant is protected and labelled for extended application compared to Roundup Ready canola. This allows for spray rate and timing decision flexibility while improving controlon a wider spectrum of weeds, including hard-to-control weeds like cleavers, dandelion, foxtail barley, perennial sow thistle, Canada thistle, and wild buckwheat that can now be managed effectively.
  3. Improved crop safetyThe improved safety of Optimum GLY compared to the Roundup Readysystem is evident when comparing approved label application rates, the number of allowable sprays during the growing season, and the flexibility of spraying on later stages of canola crop development.

    This gives farmers time to cover large acres or clean up late flushes of weeds without the risk of yield impact from late-season applications.

Unlock the genetic potential of your canola today!

Optimum GLY is designed to optimize crop growth by delivering top yield potential and agronomic trait performance. Learn more about how Optimum GLY can help you reach your yield goals.

For more information, contact your Local Pioneer Team.

1Data combined from 3 Pioneer® brand seed and 1 Brevant® seeds vs. Roundup Ready® and TruFlex canola. Compared to 19 Hybrids -DK900 TF, DK901 TF, DK902 TF, DK903 TF,DKTF LL 21 SC, DKTF LL 22 CRSC, DKTF 99 SC, DK TF 96 SC, 44H33, 44H44, 45CM39, 45CS40, 1028RR, D3158CM, CS 2600 CR-T, DKTF 98 CR, DKTF 97 CRSC, PV761TM, and PV780TC. Weighted averages were used to calculate yield increase between field scale and IMPACT trials.