CDHPs have lower monthly premiums, offset by a higher deductible and out-of-pocket max. These plans are paired with a HSA, into which WSU contributes $58.34/EE only or $116.67/family monthly. You may make additional HSA contributions pre-tax through payroll deduction.
The HSA max contribution limit for 2025 is $4,300/EE only or $8,550/families. This includes ER and EE contributions, and the $125 SmartHealth Incentive, if earned.
EEs ages 55 or older may contribute up to an additional $1000/year.
HSA funds can be used on IRS-qualified out-of-pocket medical expenses, and carry forward year-to-year. Funds remain yours even if you dis-enroll from a CDHP or leave WSU.
Contributions made through payroll deduction lower your federal and FICA taxable income. Contributions made directly to HealthEquity can be reported on your income tax return to reduce federal/state income taxes, but not FICA taxes.
HSA contributions are tax-free, the earnings are tax-free, and the funds remain tax-free if utilized for eligible health expenses.
CDHP enrollees must meet IRS eligibility requirements. If near or over age 65, consider speaking with a tax advisor; Medicare enrollees may not also contribute to a HSA, and if they do there are tax implications.
During OE, CDHP/HSA enrollees may also enroll in a Limited FSA to cover eligible vision and dental expenses in 2025.
Visit HSA info or HRS Open Enrollment for more information.
HRS Benefits: 509-335-4521, [email protected].