City of St. Petersburg, FL

12/11/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/11/2024 07:19

Traffic Interruptions on Tyrone Blvd. N and 66th St. N on Wednesday, Dec. 11

Traffic Interruptions on Tyrone Blvd. N and 66th St. N on Wednesday, Dec. 11

December 11, 2024 - Due to an 8-inch diameter water main break, all northbound lanes of 66th St. N between Tyrone Blvd and 26th Ave. N are closed. Southbound lanes remain open. Drivers should be aware of traffic in this area and seek an alternative route.

Traffic: City crews are working to repair the break, which may take multiple days. The exact time for northbound lanes of 66th St. N to reopen is yet to be determined. Commuters and residents should prepare for the road to be closed for all of Wednesday and Thursday.

Water Service: There are no current service interruptions for customers.

For Tyrone Middle School parents: The entrance to the school on 26th Ave. N is not blocked. Traffic control is on site to provide direction.

Please check City of St. Petersburg social media accounts (@StPeteFL) for real-time updates. The City of St. Petersburg apologizes for the inconvenience and appreciates your patience and cooperation.