Patty Murray

09/17/2024 | Press release | Archived content

After Senate Republicans Block Right to IVF Act a Second Time, Murray Excoriates Trump and Republicans for Empty Words on IVF

ICYMIFROM TODAY: Murray Blocks GOP Show-Bill That Allows Extremists to Regulate IVF Out of Existence, Slams Republicans' Support of Fetal Personhood

ICYMIFROM TODAY: On Capitol Steps, Murray and Colleagues Urge Republicans to Pass the Right to IVF Act-Offer Trump and Republicans Second Chance to Support IVF

***WATCH: Senator Murray's Floor Speech HERE***

Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), a senior member and former Chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, spoke on the Senate floor immediately after Senate Republicans blocked consideration of the Right to IVF Act which would establish a nationwide right to in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and other assisted reproductive technology (ART), and lower the costs of IVF treatment for the millions of families who need it to have children.

In her remarks, Murray spoke pointedly about how Republicans have once again prevented the passage of the Right to IVF Act. The vote follows apublic commitment by former President Donald Trump to support legislation that accomplishes exactly what the Right to IVF Act would enact into law. Trump's latest remarks are in direct contrast with today's vote by Senate Republicans along with the rising attacks on IVF and other ART services from Republican lawmakers and far-right anti-abortion extremists across the country.

"Trump doesn't get credit for opposing a problem that he caused in the first place, especially when his party-the party he leads-won't let us solve it," said Senator Murray. "The entire country just saw, plain as day, that Donald Trump is lying again and that nothing has changed for Republicans since they overturned Roe v. Wade. Nothing has changed for Republicans despite Trump's imaginary leadership on IVF. But Democrats are not going to stop pushing and I have a message for my Republican colleagues who think they can talk about this issue, make big promises to desperate families-like Trump's promise to cover IVF treatment-and then fail to follow through: that promise may just be an empty soundbite to Donald Trump, but it is so personal to families, and those families have been listening to your words, they saw how you voted today, and they will not forget it."

Senator Murray continued to make clear how Donald Trump's overturning of Roe v. Wade put IVF care in danger to begin with. Since the Dobbs decision resulted in dozens of Republican abortion bans and restrictions, fetal personhood efforts have come into focus. Senator Murray once again warned that the extreme ideology of fetal personhood poses a serious threat to IVF and all reproductive rights. In the House, a majority of Republicans have signed on to the Life at Conception Act, which would threaten the use of IVF for pregnancy, a process in which unused embryos or those with abnormalities can be discarded.

The Right to IVF Act includes Murray's longtime bill to help veterans and servicemembers, who experience higher rates of infertility and encounter restrictive laws and policies before they can access IVF services. Republicans blocked Senator Murray's Veteran Families Health Services Act in March, which aims to expand VA and DoD's fertility treatment and counseling to empower servicemembers and veterans to start families when the time is right for them.

Murray has an extensive record of protecting IVF. In January, Murray co-led introduction of the Access to Family Building Act, which was a pillar of the Right to IVF Act. Murray has been fighting to expand access to IVF care for veterans and servicemembers-and for well over a decade-she has introduced legislation to address the challenges veterans face when starting a family after their service. In 2012, Senator Murray secured Senate passageof a provision to end the ban on IVF services at VA. Since the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, Senator Murray has fought to protect servicemembers' and veterans' access to the reproductive care they deserve.

Senator Murray's remarks as delivered are below:

"Thank you, M. President. Today we once again attempted to move forward on the Right to IVF Act-and Republicans once again stopped us.

"Now let's remember a few things about how we actually got here because it is infuriating. Republicans have tried to claim the right to IVF is not under attack, but it was Republicans' OWN VOTES that killed this bill!

"And it was Republicans' OWN EFFORTS to overturn Roe v. Wade and champion fetal personhood-which treats an embryo like a living, breathing person-that caused chaos and uncertainty around IVF access! That caused women in Alabama to have IVF appointments canceled earlier this year-jeopardizing women's hope of growing their families, and lighting on fire the thousands of dollars some of these patients spent ahead of treatment.

"And despite that hard lesson, to this day-there is still widespread Republican support for fetal personhood bills. To this day, Republicans' own bills to supposedly protect IVF say NOTHING about fetal personhood and do NOTHING to make sure parents can dispose of unused embryos.

"Now, Democrats came forward with a bill that would actually protect IVF. Our bill, the Right to IVF Act: protects the right to IVF nationally, and lowers the cost of IVF for families with stronger insurance coverage requirements-it also includes my bill to make sure more veterans and servicemembers can access the IVF services.

"And many of the same Republicans who have supported fetal personhood laws-the single greatest threat to IVF-are pretending this bill isn't necessary. Many of the same Republicans who are desperate to posture as pro-family and who constantly say they stand by our troops-are saying we can't afford to help more military families get IVF!

"Funny how they are always game to shovel more money at tax breaks for billionaires, though, but I digress. M. President, Republicans voted this bill down-AGAIN.

"They voted down protecting IVF-AGAIN. They voted down making IVF more affordable-AGAIN. They voted down helping servicemembers and veterans grow their families-AGAIN. And they did it fresh off another round of pretending to support


"They did it just as Donald Trump-the man who kicked all this off, the man who proudly boasts he ended Roe, is trying to say he is the leader on IVF?

"When Donald Trump says he is a leader on IVF, hear me on two things: First, he almost certainly doesn't understand what IVF is. Second, he doesn't understand what leadership is.

"You don't get credit for opposing a problem that you caused in the first place, especially when your party-the party you lead-won't let us solve it. The entire country just saw, plain as day, that Donald Trump is lying again and that nothing has changed for Republicans since they overturned Roe v. Wade.

"Nothing has changed for Republicans since the absolute heartbreak and chaos their extremism caused in Alabama. Nothing has changed for Republicans despite Trump's imaginary leadership on IVF, and despite all the families who are calling for action.

"But Democrats are not going to stop pushing and I have a message for my Republican colleagues who think they can talk about this issue, make big promises to desperate families-like Trump's promise to cover IVF treatment-and then fail to follow through. I would urge them to think again, and tread lightly because that promise may just be an empty soundbite to Donald Trump, but it is SO personal to these families. It is personal to women who have been trying for years to start a family with no luck, women who month after month get their hopes up and face another heartbreak. The last thing these families need is a broken promise. The last thing their heart can bear is false hope.

"So don't you dare breathe another word about helping them get IVF when you are not willing to put up the votes and make it happen. Don't you dare talk about protecting their chance to grow their family when you are not willing to stand clear and strong against fetal personhood laws. Don't you dare raise your voice in more fake support when you won't lift a finger to actually help.

"Because these families have been listening to your words. They saw how you voted today. And they will not forget it."
