Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Worship of the Argentine Republic

08/15/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Trade mission to Asunción to position Medical Tourism and Healthtech services

A new trade mission was sent to Asuncion on 13 and 14 August with a view to promoting and positioning Medical Tourism and Healthtech services. The mission was organized by the Foreign Ministry, the Argentine Embassy to Paraguay and the Argentine Chamber of Medical Tourism (CATM).

Its purpose was to promote exports of Knowledge-Based Services and Tourism for the medical sector and to strengthen cooperation, for the benefit of patients and for the development of both countries' strategic services sectors.

13 Argentine companies participated in this mission, which was organized for the second year in a row and resulted in 126 B2B meetings with local counterparts.

Within this framework, various activities were carried out to establish links between Argentine and Paraguayan companies, such as clinics, private and university hospitals, healthcare providers and health software developers, among others.

This year, the mission also included trade promotion activities for the healthtech, sports medicine, rehabilitation and hospital management training sectors.

On the first day, the agenda included presentations by Argentine companies, business rounds and a networking event at the Argentine Embassy in Asunción, with the attendance of Ambassador Guillermo Nielsen.

On the second day, the Argentine delegation visited important local authorities and institutions, such as the Ministry of Health, the Paraguayan Association of Private Hospitals, the Institute for Social Security, the Cerro Porteño football club and the Paraguayan Software Industry Chamber (CISOFT), among others.

Medical tourism represents foreign currency revenues amounting to over USD 120 million. In addition, Paraguay is one of Argentina's strategic partners in receptive international tourism. The healthtech sector was included in this trade mission to promote Argentina's software exports to Paraguay, which totalled USD 91.5 million in 2023.