South Africa Government

11/20/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/20/2023 23:22

Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation hosts 2023 National Evaluation Seminar in Boksburg, 21 to 22 Nov

The Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME), in partnership with Twende Mbele, will be hosting the 2023 National Evaluation Seminar (NES) at the Birchwood Hotel in Boksburg, Gauteng Province, from 21-22 November 2023.

The seminar will be officially opened by the Minister in the Presidency responsible for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Ms. Maropene Ramokgopa.

This year's seminar is convened under the theme "Rising to challenges of limited resources, inequality and climate change". The theme is premised on the lasting negative impact of COVID-19, energy crisis, inequality, rising prices of basic items, and the effects of climate change. These challenges have a disproportionate impact on the most vulnerable in society, and there is a need to reflect on how evaluation practices are responding to these realities.

The evaluation profession, which covers multiple sectors and disciplines, is well placed and already generating some evidence to find appropriate and innovative solutions to support the meeting of these challenges.

The seminar will amalgamate various delegates and experts in the evaluation sector, including international stakeholders, civil society, professional bodies, and academia. Speakers will include Ashwani Muthoo, the first Director General of the Independent Evaluation Office at the BRICS New Development Bank, as well as Jen Noris, the Chairperson of the South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association (SAMEA).

The seminar is poised to enhance the knowledge and skills of the evaluation professional in identified areas; sharing of best practices and professional experience, keep participants abreast of emerging local and international trends and their implication towards the strengthening of the National Evaluation System of South Africa, and stimulate thinking and engagement on evaluation-related subjects.

Members of the media are cordially invited to cover the seminar as follows:

Date: 21-22 November 2022
Venue: Birchwood Hotel in Boksburg, Gauteng Province
Time: 09h00

NB: Members of the media may also follow the seminar virtually through the following link: is external)

Media RSVP's may be submitted to [email protected](link sends e-mail) or 082 889 6484.

Media enquiries:
Ms Keitumetse Fatimata Moutloatse
Cell: 073 531 6161
E-mail: [email protected](link sends e-mail)


Lawrence Ngoveni
Cell: 082 824 3060
E-mail [email protected](link sends e-mail)