DGA - Democratic Governors Association

09/10/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/10/2024 18:46

DGA Statement on NH GOP Primary ResultsLatest News Year in Review

DGA Statement on NH GOP Primary Results

DGA Executive Director Meghan Meehan-Draper released the following statement in response to Kelly Ayotte becoming the Republican nominee for governor in New Hampshire:

"Kelly Ayotte is a political opportunist who has spent the last year reminding Granite Staters that she will do or say anything she thinks will help her win an election, and that they cannot trust her to put New Hampshire first. It's not just her shameless reversal to fully embrace Donald Trump - Ayotte has also spent her career attacking Granite Staters' most fundamental freedoms, including voting for a national abortion ban, voting repeatedly to defund Planned Parenthood, and helping to create the anti-choice majority on the Supreme Court that overturned nearly 50 years of settled law protecting abortion rights for millions of American women.

"While Granite Staters are looking for leaders who will listen to them and find solutions to their toughest problems - including a growing housing crisis, threats to public education, and attacks on personal freedoms - they know Kelly Ayotte is only looking out for herself. That's why they rejected her in her last failed election, and it's why they will do it again this November. We look forward to continuing to hold Kelly Ayotte accountable for her dangerous and disqualifying record now through Election Day."
