EFFAT - European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions

07/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/17/2024 08:01

EFFAT on the Action against Exploitation in Agriculture

EFFAT on the Action against Exploitation in Agriculture

Foggia (Italy), 17 July 2024

Summer is the most important season for agriculture in Europe, and EFFAT's affiliates are actively supporting and protecting workers through various actions.

EFFAT joined the FLAI-CGIL organising campaign "Diritti in Campo" [Rights in the Field] in the province of Foggia, Italy this week. The action days involved meeting farm workers in the fields in the early morning to inform them of their rights and to offer them water and a sun hat to protect them from the extremely high temperatures (up to 40 degrees these days). In the afternoon, the #brigatedellavoro [trade union labour brigades] visited the informal settlements scattered throughout the province: shanty houses without running water where many farm workers live in absolutely miserable conditions.

The challenges faced by farm workers in Italy are very similar to those faced by workers in other European countries. Labour exploitation and illegal labour intermediation ('caporalato system') are endemic issues. The many responsible employers face unfair competition from those who violate workers' rights without risking any real consequences. The solutions must be found at both national and European level, with a holistic approach involving several measures, including the adoption of an EU Directive on Labour Intermediaries and Fair Working Conditions across Subcontracting Chains, as called for by EFFAT. Such a binding tool is urgently desperately needed in fraudulent sectors, such as agriculture, to tackle exploitation in labour intermediation, to ensure that workers can benefit from decent housing conditions, and to increase the frequency and effectiveness of labour inspections. The situation many farm workers face is also a direct consequence of the obvious shortcomings of the EU's migration policy. We need a truly inclusive approach with solidarity between Member States. A worker is a worker and should be entitled to claim respect for his or her rights without risk of retaliation or deportation. We also need to act on the distribution of wealth along the agri-food chain, addressing the enormous power of retailers. Strengthening the social dimension of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and extending the scope of social conditionality is also part of the solution.

Kristjan Bragason, EFFAT General Secretary, said: "Trade unions are the main point of reference for many of these workers, who are often under threat and need urgent help. We call on the EU institutions and national governments to do more to defend the dignity and ensure the respect of these essential workers whose daily efforts ensure food is available on our tables."

See also the EFFAT website and app Season@Work, providing migrant and seasonal workers in European agriculture with relevant information in their mother-tongue on their rights.


EFFAT is the European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions. As a European Trade Union Federation representing 120 national trade unions from 35 European countries, EFFAT defends the interests of more than 22 million workers employed along the food chain. EFFAT is a member of the ETUC and the European regional organisation of the IUF.

For more information, please contact:
Victor Plyson, Communication Assistant
Avenue Louise 130A, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
[email protected]

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