California State Assembly Democratic Caucus

09/12/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/12/2024 12:30

FAQ on California’s Special Session to Prevent Gas Price Spikes

For immediate release:
Thursday, September 12, 2024

California Governor Gavin Newsom announced a special session of the Legislature on August 31, focusing on reducing spikes in gas prices, and with his proclamation came many questions. The goal of this document is to quickly address inquiries you may have about the special session.

What is a special session?
Here's what the state Constitution says: "On extraordinary occasions the Governor by proclamation may cause the Legislature to assemble in special session. When so assembled it has power to legislate only on subjects specified in the proclamation but may provide for expenses and other matters incidental to the session."

Governor Gavin Newsom convened the special session to prevent gas-price spikes on August 31 during the regular legislative session.

When did the special session begin?
The Assembly gathered and began the special session on the evening of August 31, 2024.

What bills have been introduced?
So far, the Assembly has introduced one bill to address the gas price spikes, Assembly Bill x2-1, which was put in writing on September 4, 2024.

The bill is authored by Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters) and Assemblymember Gregg Hart (D-Santa Barbara) and will increase crude oil and fuel capacity, with the ultimate goal of lessening the spikes in gas prices Californians pay at the pump.

Principal co-authors of the bill include the following Assembly members: Dawn Addis (D-Morro Bay), Steve Bennett (D-Oxnard), Isaac Bryan (D-Los Angeles), Corey Jackson (D-Riverside), Ash Kalra (D-San Jose), Alex Lee (D-San Jose), Jim Wood (D-Healdsburg).

Additional bills may be announced.

Are there any committees for the special session?
Yes. On September 6, Speaker Rivas announced the Petroleum and Gasoline Supply Committee for the 2023-24 special session to address gas price spikes led by Cottie Petrie-Norris (Chair) and the following Assemblymembers: Jim Patterson (Vice Chair), Cecilia Aguiar-Curry, David Alvarez, Steve Bennett, Heath Flora, Laura Friedman, Eduardo Garcia, Mike Gipson, Gregg Hart, Corey Jackson, Alex Lee, Al Muratsuchi, Diane Papan, Joe Patterson, Gail Pellerin, Blanca Rubio, Jim Wood, Rick Chavez Zbur.

When will the first committee hearing take place?
The first informational hearing for the Petroleum and Gasoline Supply Committee is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, September 18, 2024. Time and location TBD. You can find out more information here.

Will there be opportunities for public comment at these hearings?

Why is the special session necessary?
Here is what Speaker Robert Rivas said on August 31, the first day of the special session: "Since my early days as a County Supervisor, I've been fighting against Big Oil. Companies can't be allowed to rake-in billions of dollars in oil profits while hard-working Californians pay record prices at the pump. My absolute priority is lowering the cost of living, and I appreciate the Governor calling a special session to rein-in soaring gas prices. And the Assembly is united: We want the public to have a voice in this process, and that hasn't happened yet. We need to get this right."
