Friends of the Earth Ltd.

08/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 08/07/2024 17:41

New Chancellor’s first speech – reaction

In her first address as Chancellor at the Treasury this morning, Rachel Reeves set out her vision for growth, which included a programme of housebuilding as part of a wider commitment to usher through new infrastructure projects.

Reacting to the news, Mike Childs, head of science, policy and research at Friends of the Earth, said:

"Along with the many other interlinked crises Britain is facing, including the climate emergency, the housing crisis is close to breaking point and deserves to be one of the top priorities of the new government.

"Millions more homes are needed, most of which should be social housing or genuinely affordable, but boosting housing numbers needn't be in opposition to protecting the environment. New homes can and should be designed so they're energy and water efficient, fitted with solar panels and heat pumps, resilient to future climate extremes, and located within close range of amenities and quality green space.

"In terms of the green belt, much of what borders many towns and cities isn't exactly a haven for wildlife thanks to intensive farming - but it does serve a vital purpose of preventing urban sprawl. Building on it should be a last resort and any nature-depleted greenbelt land must be restored and made accessible to communities no matter its use.

"But with the majority of homes we'll need as the planet warms already built, Labour must ensure it approaches upgrading our existing housing stock with the same vigour as its building programme. Rolling out a national programme of insulation would help to cut bills, keep people warmer in winter, and drastically reduce the amount of carbon unleashed into the atmosphere."

The new Chancellor also promised to lift the onshore wind ban in England. Mr Childs added:

"By ending the onshore wind ban in England, Labour is making an important stride towards delivering on our climate goals, while also paving the way for lower bills, as renewables produce some of the cheapest and cleanest energy available.

"In April, research by Friends of the Earth found that utilising less than 3% of land in England for onshore wind and solar could produce 13 times more clean energy that currently generated - enough to power all households in England twice over. By harnessing the country's vast renewable power potential, the new government is staking its claim as a global leader in the green energy transition."