NYPA - New York Power Authority

09/23/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/24/2024 13:31

Governor Hochul Joins With US Climate Alliance Governors to Announce Climate-Ready Workforce Initiative

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority President and CEO Doreen M. Harris said, "Building a clean energy economy is no small feat, and that is why this newly announced Governors' Climate-Ready Workforce Initiative is so critical. To succeed, our national and state workforces, need to be filled with expert technicians trained in the latest technologies. NYSERDA looks forward to continuing our support for workforce development and training programs through national partnerships like those being fostered by the U.S. Climate Alliance, and regional partnerships like the Offshore Wind Training Institute, as we grow New York's industry in collaboration with other states."

New York Power Authority President and CEO Justin E. Driscoll said, "In alignment with the leadership of Governor Hochul's and the U.S. Climate Alliance's Governors' Climate-Ready Workforce Initiative, the New York Power Authority's workforce development programs are connecting New Yorkers with the skills and job training needed to power the state's, and in turn the nation's, clean energy future. NYPA's investments in our own workforce, public-private workforce partnerships, and partnership with the Department of Labor are part our holistic approach to support the essential clean energy workforce and engage more New Yorkers in the clean energy economy."

Empire State Development President, CEO & Commissioner Hope Knight said,"New York State's participation in the Governors' Climate-Ready Workforce Initiative will further strengthen our efforts to train New Yorkers for high-quality jobs in green energy industries. Governor Hochul's ongoing commitment to addressing climate change, with support from our federal and state agency partners, will grow the economy while creating a sustainable future."

New York State Department of Labor Commissioner Roberta Reardon said,"Pairing registered apprenticeship opportunities with our environmental sustainability efforts is a win-win for workers and employers. By developing registered apprenticeships in line with clean energy goals, New York State continues to strengthen local economies in the on-going transition to a low-carbon economy. I applaud Governor Hochul's commitment to the U.S. Climate Alliance's Governors' Climate-Ready Workforce Initiative, allowing our combined efforts to reach beyond state borders to ensure a sustainable, enduring future for our country's workforce."

BlueGreen Alliance Executive Director Jason Walsh said,"We're excited to see governors stepping up to make sure we have the workforce needed to fill the good jobs that are being created by the Inflation Reduction Act, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and CHIPS and Science Act. There is a tremendous opportunity from those federal investments to rebuild our blue-collar middle class by creating pathways into skilled, long-term careers in sectors like construction and manufacturing. This commitment from governors across the country is good for workers, good for employers, and good for the high-road clean energy economy we're building together."

National Skills Coalition Managing Director of State Strategies Melissa Johnson said,"State governments have a crucial role to play in leveraging historic federal investments to create unprecedented jobs and training opportunities for the workforce while fighting climate change. It is incredible that this coalition of governors is stepping up to prioritize the diversity and economic security of the climate workforce because our climate readiness hinges on a new generation of workers having access to the education, skills training, and economic supports they need to access good jobs and careers in this booming sector."

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union No. 3 Business Manager Christopher Erikson said, "Today's announcement on the "Climate-Ready Workforce Initiative" is a great step forward in continuing to prepare future members of the IBEW and unionized Building Trades for the green energy jobs of today and beyond. We welcome tomorrow's apprentices from all walks of life into our ranks with open arms, ready to deliver world-class training and to prepare them for union careers with family-supporting wages and benefits. Thank you to Governor Hochul, the Biden-Harris administration, US Climate Alliance, and NYSERDA for addressing the climate crisis head-on and supporting the unionized green workforce."

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