Democratic Party - Democratic National Committee

09/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/24/2024 20:12

REMINDER: Trump’s MAGA Tax Scam Incentivized Companies To Ship Jobs Overseas and He Would Devastate U.S. Manufacturing in a Second Term Arrow

In response to Trump's promises to gut investment in American manufacturing jobs, DNC National Press Secretary ⁨Emilia Rowland⁩ released the following statement:

"After spending his presidency incentivizing companies to ship jobs overseas through his disastrous tax scam that resulted in plants closed, jobs lost, and promises to workers broken at every turn, Donald Trump is once again attempting to pull the wool over American workers' eyes. Trump has been clear that he would send new, good-paying manufacturing jobs overseas by repealing the Inflation Reduction Act - which has already spurred over 150,000 clean energy jobs - and his Project 2025 plans would extend his failed tax scam that sold out workers and left American manufacturing in the dust. Americans remember Trump's economic record for the jobs lost, promises broken, plants shuttered, and jobs shipped overseas, and they'll reject Trump's Project 2025 plans again this November."

As president, Trump's MAGA tax scam incentivized companies to ship jobs overseas - closing plants, costing workers and communities jobs, and breaking his promises to manufacturing workers over and over.

Trump incentivized companies to ship jobs overseas and close plants.

Bloomberg: "The Offshoring of U.S. Jobs Increased on Trump's Watch"

Reuters: "How offshoring rolled along under Trump, who vowed to stop it"

The Guardian: "'He pulled the wool over our eyes': workers blame Trump for moving jobs overseas" […] "Promises to save US manufacturing and prevent American jobs moving abroad were a key part of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign. But since Trump took office in January 2017, nearly 200,000 jobs have been moved overseas, based on Trade Adjustment Assistance certified petitions."

Washington Post: "Trump promised 'America First' would keep jobs here. But the tax plan might push them overseas."

Politico: "Trump hails 'manufacturing miracle' as factories bleed jobs"

Trump claimed he created more than 1.2 million manufacturing and construction jobs, but the U.S. actually lost tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs under his watch.

Politico: "Asked for comment, a Trump spokesperson sent a long list of the former president's economic accomplishments, saying his policies 'created more than 1.2 million manufacturing and construction jobs' and helped 'bring back supply chains from overseas.'"

BLS: When Trump left office, there were 170,000 fewer manufacturing jobs than when he started.

Trump broke his promises to American workers.

Detroit Free Press: "And in March 2017, he praised General Motors when he flew to Detroit to highlight the importance of American manufacturing. That same day, GM announced plans for 900 new or retained jobs in Michigan within 12 months. This week, GM confirmed a net loss of 3,500 hourly manufacturing jobs in 2017."

Washington Post: "Trump promised this Wisconsin town a manufacturing boom. It never arrived."

Wall Street Journal: "President Trump's trade war against China didn't achieve the central objective of reversing a U.S. decline in manufacturing, economic data show, despite tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars of Chinese goods to discourage imports."

Trump didn't just wreak havoc on the manufacturing industry - he left office with the worst jobs record of any president in modern American history.

Fortune: "Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover"

Trump's Project 2025 agenda would send good-paying manufacturing jobs overseas by extending his disastrous tax scam and repealing the Biden-Harris administration's Inflation Reduction Act - which has already spurred over 150,000 clean energy manufacturing jobs since being signed into law.

Renewable Energy World: "Over 100,000 manufacturing jobs announced since Inflation Reduction Act passed"

White House Fact Sheet: "Two years in, the Inflation Reduction Act is lowering costs for millions of Americans, tackling the climate crisis, and creating jobs.

"Since the beginning of the Biden-Harris Administration, companies have announced $900 billion in clean energy and manufacturing investments in the US, including over $265 billion in clean energy investments since the Inflation Reduction Act was signed into law. These investments are creating over 330,000 new jobs in the United States according to an outside group."

TaxNotes: "I'll Scrap IRA Tax Credits on Day 1, Trump Says"

Financial Times: "Donald Trump would gut Joe Biden's landmark IRA climate law if elected"

Center for American Progress: "On page 696, Project 2025 calls for the 'next Administration [to] push for legislation to fully repeal … the dozens of credits and tax breaks for green energy companies in Subtitle D of the Inflation Reduction Act."

Center for American Progress: "Project 2025's plans for climate and energy-not even counting the effects of the plans for health care, education, and more-would cause 750,000 direct job losses in 2030, according to Energy Innovation."

Politico: "Vance has said that he would like to get rid of much of the Inflation Reduction Act."

Business Insider: "Project 2025 and the elimination of the Inflation Reduction Act have been championed by several conservative organizations, all led by the Heritage Foundation, a major conservative think tank."

Vance: "I think there's a lot of bad policy in [the IRA]. … And I'd like to see a lot of it gotten rid of."

USA Today: "Next year, under a Trump administration, inflation would rise from the current 3.3% to 3.6%, well above the 2.4% forecast under Biden, the Moody's analysis shows. Compared with Biden, the U.S. would have 3.2 million fewer jobs and a 4.5% unemployment rate, a half percentage point higher, at the end of a Trump tenure."
Washington Post: "Trump advisers plot aggressive new tax cuts for second White House term"