Mike Huckabee

09/23/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/23/2024 09:51

Golf course gunman’s CIA connections are already coming to light

ByMike Huckabee

September23, 2024


Yes, the would-be Trump assassin staking out the Trump International Golf Course in West Palm Beach must've been, as Foundation for Freedom Online founder Mike Benz describes him, "obviously something of a crazy person." And that's all the current administration would like us to think he is. But Benz, after conducting what he admits is "extremely preliminary research," thinks he was also "some sort of subcontractor of a subcontractor," part of an effort that started in 2014 to bring fighters --- essentially terrorists, ISIS fighters --- from Pakistan to the Ukraine, to help them retake the Crimean region in the eastern part of the Ukraine.

"The idea that this person was just a humble construction worker from North Carolina" is what the government would have us believe, Benz says. Instead, the man "was involved in the mass acquisition of passports of people from the most intense CIA conflict zones that we have," Benz says. Though his social media has been scrubbed, Benz was able to archive hundreds of his Facebook posts entreating people to send him copies of their passports so he could arrange visas for them to go to Ukraine. This man gave them detailed instructions on how to do this, such as "DO NOT TALK TO YOUR LOCAL EMBASSY FIRST" [emphasis his] and, in some cases, telling them to fly to Poland and take a bus from there.

Benz cites information from whistleblower Michael Springman, who used to be chief of the visa division of the State Department's Jeddah Consulate in Saudi Arabia and later wrote a book called VISAS FOR TERRORISTS describing this activity. Springman said everyone around him at Jeddah was "working for the CIA." (Benz describes the CIA as "the underside of the State Department.") Incidentally, at the time we're discussing, the chief of station in Saudi Arabia was...drum roll, please...John Brennan (who just endorsed Kamala Harris for President.)

In his book, Springman said that when people showed up at the consulate, as they would every day, with fraudulent passports, he was instructed to issue "no-look visas." Nudge nudge, wink wink. This was how they brought Pakistani fighters to the U.S. for training before they were sent to Ukraine. According to Benz, the "golf course gunman" --- or let's say GCG, as we've made the editorial choice not to use shooters' names --- was involved in this same activity, which is basically human trafficking in terrorists. There might have been dozens or hundreds of guys recruiting these fighters for the State Department. In his own Facebook posts, the GCG claimed to be working with the U.S. Embassy in Kiev, which you'll recall led the charge against Trump in his first sham impeachment.

Recall that last week, even with the little we knew about him then, we said it would be impossible for this man not to have had run-ins with members of the CIA. It hasn't taken Mike Benz long at all to confirm that about him and even to take it much deeper.

We're finding out more about what was in the GCG's self-published book on "unwinnable wars" --- though we admittedly haven't sat down to read it through --- including various State Department contacts in Kiev that he claimed to have had, some with really disreputable backgrounds. Some of the men who were being recruited for the Ukraine fight were fleeing murder charges in their home countries, including the U.S. In the book, he claims to have been friends with Malcolm Nance of MSNBC, a big-time Trump-resister.


Equal time: according to SLATE magazine, the "International Legion" recruiting these fighters distanced itself from this man in June --- June?? --- warning that "he is not, and never has been, associated with the International Legion or the Ukrainian Armed Forces at all. He is not, & never has been, a legion recruiter. He is misrepresenting himself and lying to many people."

In an updated statement released after the assassination attempt, they also said that it's "beyond ridiculous" to say the would-be shooter had information on when Trump would be golfing, as he is known to golf at that course frequently. At the same time, though, they quote a tweet from Ed Snowden: "We know little so far, but with alleged Trump shooter's personal and public military activity in Ukraine, it is hard to imagine this White House's agencies can claim zero contact --- 'clean hands.' Something of [a Lee Harvey] Oswald vibe here. Congress should get answers."


Interestingly, the "golf course gunman" also ran a page called "The Taiwan International Legion," in which he was trying to recruit a volunteer army from Ukraine to move to the NEXT area of conflict. He has a list of "journalistic" contact info, including people from NBC and NEWSWEEK.

We tend to think like Ed Snowden --- that it's naive to think the FBI and CIA haven't been following this guy for years and monitoring his social media, including direct messaging. Of course, they've now "nuked" his accounts. As Max Blumenthal told Russell Brand in a recent podcast, this man "would be the perfect person for the FBI [and other intelligence agencies] to follow around, because he has so many contacts." So, is that the extent of their relationship with him?


The piece in SLATE tries to say this gunman's motives aren't yet known and his politics have been "variable," but if Trump Derangement Syndrome could be used as a legal defense in an attempted murder case, this gunman would certainly qualify. (If anything is "beyond ridiculous," it's trying to deny that.) Here's a sample of what he posted on X, directed at the Biden-Harris campaign in April: "Your campaign should be called something like the KADAF. Keep America democratic and free. Trump should be MASA...make Americans slaves again master. DEMOCRACY is on the ballot and we cannot lose. We cannot afford to fail. The world is counting on us to show the way."

Doesn't sound "variable" to me.


It's crazier when you combine suspicions about the gunman with the unbelievable security failures of the Secret Service that particular day. Normally, they would sweep the golf course ahead of Trump going there. Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino calls this "Security 101." He spoke about this in his Friday podcast, starting about 12 minutes in.


Normally, they even would've had cameras along the fence line, he said. Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley appeared on Jesse Watters' FOX NEWS show to say that whistleblowers have told them "Secret Service has guarded that place many, many times, and...protocol calls for the Secret Service to station agents along the places in the course that are known vulnerabilities...but they apparently did not do that." Whistleblowers have told him "that's strange, that's out of protocol. It's not even clear Secret Service swept the perimeter before Trump took to the course."

Bongino heard from another "very experienced" whistleblower friend of his, a current agent who needs to remain anonymous, saying, "Where there's smoke, there's fire. I've worked that course several times with [Donald J. Trump], and I know exactly where the subject was hiding. We see the press there all the time. Makes me wonder why there was no press there this time. Perhaps the mole was in the press pool. They're well aware of Trump's movements and schedule as well. That doesn't answer the question of why it wasn't posted, though."

According to Bongino, "There is no way that guy just randomly picked that spot, at that time, without some insider information." In other words, SLATE magazine is full of (bleep). So, where is the mole? Is it in Homeland Security, the Secret Service, or perhaps was this just overheard by someone in the press corps?

It's the same as in Butler, Pennsylvania. "How did that one guy...know that one roofline, to go there, that that wouldn't be manned?...How did he know someone wasn't gonna get up there afterwards or wasn't gonna post down there to make sure no one was gonna get up on the air conditioning unit? He seemed to have a lot of pretty advanced operational surveillance knowledge."

"Are we crazy for asking these questions, or is everybody else crazy for not?"


The Secret Service is using a lack of funding as an excuse and (surprise) asking for more money, but Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson says it isn't that. In the past ten years, their budget has increased 65 percent. And the Department of Homeland Security has an annual budget of $190 billion (!!!). "It's not resources; it's management," the Senator says, adding that Congress is still being stonewalled. DHS is "not responding" to congressional oversight. (Note: Only in Washington do people excuse their catastrophic failures by asking for more money.)


Thursday, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz told Jack Posobiec on his "Human Events" podcast that before the second assassination attempt, he had a senior DHS official in his office saying there are "five known [Trump] assassination teams" --- three foreign, two domestic --- and that his security was not sufficient. That really calls into question the decision to pull certain teams off the Trump detail and put them on, say, the Jill Biden detail. Sure, she's handling Cabinet meetings now, but is her threat level really as high as Trump's? Well, maybe so, since she seems to be running the country now.


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Permalink: https://www.mikehuckabee.com/2024/9/golf-course-gunman-s-cia-connections-are-already-coming-to-light

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