City of Colorado Springs, CO

09/12/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/12/2024 11:20

Public Notice: City requests FEMA funding for Cottonwood Creek stabilization and restoration project

Public Notice

Notification is hereby given to the public that theCity of Colorado Springs, Colorado has requested funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for a proposed channel stabilization and restoration project along Cottonwood Creek west of Powers Blvd. This notification is provided pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), Executive Orders 11988 - Floodplain Management, and Executive Order 11990 - Wetland Protection, and Federal agency implementation procedures described in 44 C.F.R. Part 9 and FEMA Directive 108-1. Funding from FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program will be utilized, the purpose of which is to implement cost-effective mitigation projects that result in safer and more resilient communities. This project would enhance stream/floodplain functions in order to provide stream bank stabilization for the protection of critical infrastructure, ensuring continued service to citizens and businesses within the region.

This project is located along the Cottonwood Creek reach between Powers Blvd and a point approximately 2,400 feet downstream. The scope of the project includes stabilizing Cottonwood Creek with drop structures and bio-engineered channel banks to protect the adjacent electric transmission lines, electric substation, water main, gas main, stormwater outfalls, and the Powers Blvd embankment. The project would fill the existing incised channel to create a stable low-flow conveyance that balances sediment transport through the system. Grade control structures would be employed to set a stable longitudinal profile. Approximately 3,000 feet of streambank would be restored. Bioengineering techniques, such as willow plantings and re-vegetation, would be placed on the channel banks to stabilize for high flow events. Using natural channel design and vegetative features provides a self-repairing and resilient solution that provides additional environmental benefits to the natural ecosystems and the City of Colorado Springs.

Construction activities would be in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and ordinances. This action requires the City to acquire a Floodplain Development Permit, and to comply with their local floodplain ordinance and the National Flood Insurance Program regulations.

The President of the United States has issued Executive Orders that require Federal Agencies to focus attention on the environment and on human health and safety when considering the funding of an action. Executive Orders 11988 - Floodplain Management and 11990 - Wetland Protection require federal agencies to avoid to the extent possible the long and short-term adverse impacts associated with the occupancy and modification of floodplains/wetlands and to avoid direct and indirect support of floodplain/wetland development wherever there is a practicable alternative. With this public notice, FEMA is informing the public that the proposed action would occur in areas that are mapped within the 100-year floodplain and floodway, as well as wetlands. There are no practicable alternatives to the proposed project. It is anticipated that long-term impacts to the floodplain and wetlands will be beneficial, with potential minor, short-term impacts during the construction process. In order to minimize impacts to wetlands, appropriate erosion and sediment control measures will be installed to control the discharge of pollutants from the construction site. Wetland impacts will be mitigated onsite as part of the proposed project and impacts to jurisdictional wetlands will be addressed in compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has issued an Individual Permit (Action No. SPA-2021-00056 dated September 1, 2022) for the project. FEMA has also evaluated potential effects of the proposed project on endangered species, and historic properties, and determined there will be no significant impacts to these resources.

A public comment period for the proposed project described in this notice will remain open for 15 days from date of publication. If no substantive comments are received, the proposed project may proceed no sooner than 15 days after the comment period closes.Interested persons may obtain more detailed information about the proposed project by contacting Adam Copper, PE, City of Colorado Springs Stormwater Division/Public Works, by phone at 719-385-5436 or by email at [email protected]. Information may also be requested from Pamela Roszell, FEMA Environmental Protection Specialist by email at [email protected] or by mail at the Denver Federal Center, P.O. Box 25267, Denver, Colorado, 80225, subject line: Cottonwood Creek.