Ministry of Foreign Affairs of I.R. of Iran

07/14/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/14/2024 07:33

Iran raps U.S. designating Cuba as terrorist state vows continued support for Havana

Iran raps U.S. designating Cuba as terrorist state vows continued support for Havana

Nasser Kanaani condemned the U.S. Congress' unilateral and politically-motivated designation of Cuba as a so-called state sponsor of terrorism.

Nasser Kanaani, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, condemned the U.S. Congress' unilateral and politically-motivated designation of Cuba as a so-called state sponsor of terrorism.

Kanaani described this action by the U.S. Congress as a violation of the principles of international law and the United Nations Charter, including the principles of sovereign equality, state immunity, and non-interference in the domestic affairs of other states.

The spokesperson added: "The unilateral approaches of certain countries, primarily the United States, in establishing such unilateral lists stem from self-serving and coercive political approaches."

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized: "Such unilateral actions are in complete contradiction with accepted international norms and their repetition has affected the foundations of regional and international peace and security."

Kanaani stated: "The Islamic Republic of Iran, as one of the victims of this erroneous US policy, while expressing solidarity with the government and people of Cuba, declares its firm support for the efforts of the Cuban government to counter this illegal action by the United States and to hold it accountable."