Michigan Democratic State Central Committee

07/30/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/30/2024 11:38

ICYMI: Gov. Whitmer, Sen. Stabenow, Michigan Dem Leaders Uplift Work to Be Done 100 Days from Election

On yesterday's press call, Michigan Dems warned of the threats to democracy MAGA Republicans at every level of the ballot pose

LANSING - In case you missed it, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, US Senator Debbie Stabenow, US Representative Haley Stevens, state House Speaker Joe Tate, and Michigan Dems First Vice Chair state Representative Jason Morgan uplifted the stakes of the election 100 days out. Each speaker emphasized the threats posed by MAGA MIGOP members running for the state legislature, the US House and Senate, and, of course, the extremist-in-chief, Donald Trump himself.

While we have already built out strong campaign infrastructure, Michigan Dems are working every day to grow this campaign to unite more people to defeat Donald Trump this November. With 50 coordinated campaign offices, over a hundred campaign staff, and thousands of volunteers, this campaign has made hundreds of thousands of voter contact attempts - and we're not stopping now.

These leaders proved that no matter how hard we've worked, it is our job to show up every day from now until November to defeat the MAGA fanatics, led by Donald Trump, and their extremist agenda that isn't right for Michiganders and their families.

Check out more from yesterday's press call below:




Detroit News: Michigan Democrats tout 'surge' in interest after Harris became likely nominee

  • During a virtual press conference - 99 days before the Nov. 5 general election - state Rep. Jason Morgan, D-Ann Arbor, said he was seeing levels of excitement among young people that he hadn't witnessed since 2008, when Democrat Barack Obama won his first term in the White House.
  • Likewise, U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Lansing, said Michigan Democratic Party volunteers made more than 150,000 voter contact attempts over the weekend and more than 5,800 people expressed interest in volunteering for the party's campaign operation in the prior week.

Fox 17: Michigan Dems rally the vote 100 days before Election Day

  • Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Sen. Debbie Stabenow and others met virtually Monday afternoon, hoping to add energy to voters while rejecting the Republican ticket - specifically the MAGA movement…
  • "Kamala Harris is completely prepared for the job of president having been vice president and all the other roles she's served in," says Stabenow, "but she also represents what we can do in the future and I think that's why people are so excited."
