LiveVox Holdings Inc.

12/05/2022 | News release | Distributed by Public on 12/05/2022 14:37

Web-Based Software Auto Dialer Integrations: LiveVox and Salesforce

Many companies rely on Salesforce to help their sales representatives manage customer accounts. Did you know it can integrate with our auto dialer software? It isn't uncommon for those businesses to also operate a separate contact center with agents that work with the same customers as the outside sales reps. Sales reps use Salesforce for numerous activities such as lead tracking, sales funnel management, and reporting. In order to help companies implement seamless workflows and improve the agent experience, LiveVox and Salesforce work in tandem to give inside sales agents the ability to provide customers with higher quality service.

LiveVox's various call center solutions integrate into the Salesforce workflows so that call centers who rely on Salesforce can continue to do so. Those call centers can continue to benefit from the features LiveVox has developed to optimize the agent experience.

Outbound calling with LiveVox and Salesforce

One such integration is the blended voice solution that LiveVox offers to Salesforce users. Outbound calling is routine for call center sales agents. Call centers opt for outbound calling software that provides a smooth experience for both customers and agents. LiveVox's blended dialing solution works with Salesforce in different ways. Below you'll find descriptions of what these workflows look like.

Learn more about the LiveVox + Salesforce intehereation here.

Outbound manual dialing

When sales agents need time to revise a customer's account history, manual outbound dialing is the perfect solution. With the LiveVox Contact Center Manual dialer, agents can take their time to look into each customer's account before making a call. The history provided in the Salesforce CRM combined with the LiveVox Agent Panel makes it simple for each sales agent to work at their own pace. Non-sales agents such as customer service representatives also benefit from having access to Salesforce as they conduct outbound calls.

As sales reps go about their sales tasks, they update relevant information within each customer account. Customer service agents receive a thorough overview of each customer account. This type of workflow is best suited for more complex calls that require a thorough understanding of a customer's background before reaching out.


The embedded click-to-call feature within the Salesforce CRM platform allows agents to improve productivity and efficiency. Click-to-dial allows them to initiate a call with one single click. Agents can click on any phone number available on various records within Salesforce. After an agent clicks on a number, the LiveVox Contact Center auto dialer prompts the LiveVox Agent Panel to pop up and make the call.

Predictive Dial

Predictive dialing is one of the most efficient auto dialer Software to conduct outbound calling campaigns. LiveVox's predictive dialer can make numerous outbound calls at once. It then proceeds to connect those answering customers to a live agent. The dialer determines how many phone numbers to call based on various factors such as agent availability and bandwidth. Agents can use predictive dialing together with Salesforce for optimal results. Predictive dialing can be set up to make calls directly from a predetermined list of leads from Salesforce. When a customer answers the phone, their Salesforce account record pops up for the connected agent.

LiveVox and Salesforce for inbound calls

Call center teams also need a reliable inbound call distributor in order to provide the assistance customers need. Call centers can leverage the LiveVox integration within Salesforce to accept inbound calls. LiveVox's call distributor ensures that customers are routed to the correct agent. When a call comes in, Salesforce will bring up the caller's account. The answering agent can see the customer's information. Thanks to LiveVox's advanced technology, users also receive intelligent call routing and customizable call restrictions.

Salesforce account records are updated in real-time. This greatly benefits agents who are answering inbound calls. For example, if an outside sales representative meets with a prospect, they have the ability to provide valuable information about the customer's profile within their salesforce account record. Important factors such as budget, need, and timeline can be inserted into the notes. If the customer calls back to move forward, the answering agent can provide a highly personalized interaction thanks to the data provided by the outside sales rep.

Call activity logs

Call centers can effortlessly track all call interactions. LiveVox keeps detailed records of every call. Users can view these records in the Salesforce CRM. Auto dialer software records are automatically created when an agent makes or receives a call within the Salesforce platform. This allows for quality monitoring that supervisors can use for agent improvement.
The LiveVox integration for Salesforce is an ideal solution for call centers who currently use Salesforce. There is no need to implement a different program. Instead, users can continue to track their leads and organize customer data with Salesforce while leveraging LiveVox's features. Call centers whose agents primarily use Salesforce can benefit from the enhanced workflows that LiveVox brings to the table. With one application, contact center agents can access all the tools they need to provide quality customer service.You can learn more about the LiveVox Contact Center for SalesForce here.