Ministry of Health of the Republic of Singapore

27/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 27/07/2024 21:40

Speech by Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Second Minister for Health, At Children’s Cancer Foundation Hair for Hope, 27 July 2024, 11.00am At Vivocity

27th Jul 2024

Dr Kevin Tay,
Chairman, Children's Cancer Foundation

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1. A very good morning. It is my pleasure to join all of you at Hair for Hope 2024.


2. It is heartening to see so many of you here today. By coming together as a community, we stand in unwavering support for children battling cancer, at this meaningful event that raises funds for these children and their families.

3. I would like to thank Children's Cancer Foundation (CCF) for organising Hair for Hope for the past 20 years. Through this campaign, many Singaporeans have gained a deeper understanding of childhood cancer and its impact on families and children.

4. This year, about 5,000 participants will demonstrate their strong support for children with cancer and their families. I commend each individual who has stepped forward. Your action serves as an inspiration to many and contributes to nurturing a compassionate country.


5. According to the Singapore Childhood Cancer Registry, an average of 126 children were diagnosed with cancer annually from 2019 to 2023. Many of these children are very young, 4 years old or younger.

6. For these children with cancer, besides coping with the symptoms and medical treatment, the entire family faces challenges such as emotional distress, disruptions to their daily routines and schooling, as well as treatment costs.

7. I'm glad that with greater awareness, many have stepped forward to support children with cancer and their families.


8. On our end, the Government has various measures in place to support families and caregivers of cancer patients throughout the caregiving journey.

9. The AIC Caregivers Training Grant offsets the cost of training courses that caregivers may attend, to pick up tips and skills to care for their loved ones. Caregivers can also look to online resources on LifeSG curated specifically for the transition to becoming a caregiver and dealing with caregiver stress. There are also Caregiver Support Networks that provide a platform for caregivers to come together.


10. Our community partners play a key role in supporting patients and their families. CCF has a range of services that address the child's holistic well-being. For instance, the CCF Place for Academic Learning and Support programme, facilitates academic learning for children who are recovering and unable to attend school. The programme is conducted in an environment where infection control measures are taken to protect the health of the children. Since its inception in 2012, the programme has served more than 430 beneficiaries, and more than 300 students have completed their studies and successfully reintegrated into the community. The proceeds from Hair for Hope will be used to fund programmes such as PALS.

11. Another initiative by CCF is the Time for a Caring Chat support group. This allows caregivers to access resources and receive just-in-time information during their journey, information which might be more specialised in nature, such as the medical and psychosocial aspects of childhood cancers.


12. In closing, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to CCF for your meaningful work in supporting children and families affected by cancer, and to all shavees and volunteers for your selfless act of generosity.

13. I wish all of you a very successful Hair for Hope 2024. Thank you.

Category: Highlights Speeches