Elders Ltd.

19/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 19/07/2024 01:00

Investment in innovation paves the way for livestock clients

The Prendergasts' now doubled-in-size mixed enterprise is built on commercial potato production, and the family also grow canola, barley, wheat and peas, and run sheep and cattle.

Third generation Pat Prendergast recalls how agriculture is part of his family's DNA.

"After coming out from Ireland during the Potato Famine, our family first settled in Newlyn, Victoria, and farmed there for about 50 years, before shifting across to where we have been farming ever since," said Pat.

"I took on the farm from my father about 40 years ago, in 1985.

"I like to think that our family have been leaders in farming in our region. My grandfather was a founding member of the Victorian Producers Cooperative (VPC) and when they folded in the 1990s, Elders took them on.

"Elders has been looking after us ever since."

The family works alongside Elders to buy and sell livestock, and for their rural products, from fencing, to animal health and crop protection.