LG Electronics Inc.

07/26/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/26/2024 00:30

Details of Sustainability Report, etc. (Voluntary Disclosure)

Details of Sustainability Report, etc. (Voluntary Disclosure)
1. Name of Report 2023-2024 LG Electronics Sustainability report
2. Verification Agency KMR(Korea Management Registrar) Name in English KMR(Korea Management Registrar)
3. Writing Standards
[Reporting Standards]
LG Electronics' 2023-2024 Sustainability Report is based on GRI Standards 2021, an international standard guideline, and reflects the reporting standards and frameworks set forth by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board(SASB) and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures(TCFD). We also disclosed our progress against the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact(UNGC) in four areas: human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.
In addition, we fulfill the four principles of inclusivity, materiality, responsiveness, and impact as outlined in the AA1000AP(AccountAbility Principles Standard), which also outlines the obligation of companies to disclose their approaches to sustainability management.

[Reporting Period]
This report covers our activities from January 2023 through December 2023, and for some key activities includes our efforts through the first half of 2024.
For quantitative performance, we provide three years of data from 2021 through 2023 from which trends in performance can be observed.

[Scope of Report]
The scope of this report includes the headquarters, production sites in Korea and overseas, and sales subsidiaries operated by LG Electronics. Financial information is presented on a consolidated financial statement basis in accordance with Korean International Financial Reporting Standards(K-IFRS), and some financial information prepared on a separate financial statement basis is presented in the footnotes.
Where there are limitations in data collection or changes to the calculation criteria, we have noted the scope of reporting and the reason for the change in the footnotes.
4. Place for Filing LG Electronics Website
5. Details
LG Electronics has expressed its commitment to making changes that will help it to achieve sustainable growth and a better life for all, and has established and implemented goals and action plans to realize them.
In the Sustainability Report, LG Electronics includes its management approach(MA), goals, activities, progress, and performance on tasks and objectives in the areas of environment, society, and governance by linking the material issues derived from the materiality assessment with LG Electronics' six ESG strategic tasks.

[Table of Contents]
- Overview
Message from the CEO/Company Overview/ESG Strategy
/Sustainability Business
- Environment
Environment Management Policy/
Addressing to Climate Change/Resource Circulation/
Product Stewardship/Business Sites Operation
- Social
Human Rights Management/Employee/Supply Chain/
Customer/Local Community
- Governance
Corporate Governance/Jeong-Do Management/
Compliance Management/Risk Management/
Information Security
- ESG Data
Sustainability Management Data/Membership-Awards
&Recognition/SHEE,Quality Certification Status/
Materiality Assessment/Stakeholder Communication
- Appendix
GRI Index/SASB Index/UN SDGs Index/TCFD Report/
Greenhouse Gas Verification Statement/
Independendt Assurance Statement
6. Date of Filing(Verification) 2024-07-26
7. Other references useful for making investment decisions ※ Please refer to the attached '2023-2024 LG Electronics Sustainability Report' for more details.
※Title and date of other disclosure related to this one 2024-07-26 Details of Sustainability Report, etc. (Voluntary Disclosure)