Democratic Party - Democratic National Committee

07/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/17/2024 13:25

WATCH: DNC and Biden Harris Campaign Host Press Conference Slamming Trump Vance Plan to Ban Abortion Nationwide Arrow

Today in Milwaukee, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, Biden-Harris 2024 Campaign Co-Chair Texas Congresswoman Veronica Escobar, reproductive rights advocate Amanda Zurawski, and Biden-Harris 2024 Deputy Campaign Manager Quentin Fulks hosted a press conference calling out Donald Trump and JD Vance's extreme Project 2025 agenda to rip away reproductive freedoms, ban abortion nationwide, and threaten access to IVF and contraception.


"As we start to see this idea of JD Vance, I just want to say this, the perfect Frankenstein monster created by the Heritage Foundation. […] It's decades of policies of people like him and venture capitalists and others that gutted many of our small towns," said Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. "Republicans, they don't have much division within their party - they bend the knee and they grovel to someone who told us that the election was stolen, someone who overturned Roe v. Wade, someone who told us he didn't know anything about NATO as he puts all of our futures at risk, and someone who won't address the biggest issues around climate change. Those are the issues that Americans care about. Those are the things that they want to see us get done. The Biden-Harris administration has delivered on all of their promises."

"I want to speak directly to American women to tell you that there's only one team on the ballot who cares about you, and that's the Biden-Harris team. The Trump-Vance ticket does not care about women, and we are here to sound the alarm about what's at stake in this November election, especially for women," said Texas Congresswoman Veronica Escobar. "Women's lives have been transformed irrevocably, and that is the dark vision that Donald Trump and JD Vance have for all women across America. We can prevent this. We can stand up to that dark vision, and we can embrace the vision that the Biden-Harris campaign […] and voters want for America. That is a vision where we trust women, where we want to protect women's reproductive freedom, where we recognize that abortion is health care, where we recognize that these bans are deadly and dangerous and harmful."

"Like most Americans, I believe that health care decisions belong between a woman and her doctor, but if Donald Trump and JD Vance are elected, they will make my devastating story, the stories I've heard across the country, the reality for far too many more American women," said Amanda Zurawski. "What I went through was nothing short of barbaric, and it didn't need to happen, but it did because of Donald Trump. Donald Trump and his allies continuously brag about killing Roe v. Wade, and it is unthinkable to me that anyone could cheer on the cruel abortion bans that nearly took my life, but they do."

"Trump picked JD Vance because he would bend over backwards and enable Trump to do whatever he wants with his MAGA agenda, no matter the harm to the American people, nowhere is that clearer than in JD Vance's extreme anti-reproductive freedom agenda. […] JD Vance is an anti-choice politician whose views on reproductive freedom and women's rights would take us back decades. He supports a nationwide ban on abortion and criticizes exceptions for rape incest survivors, saying 'two wrongs don't make a right,'" said Biden-Harris 2024 Deputy Campaign Manager Quentin Fulks. "You can bet that our campaign team, Biden-Harris, is going to spend every moment from now until November reminding voters of the clear choice they'll face between a Trump-Vance administration who will ban abortion nationwide and a Biden-Harris administration who will never stop fighting for Americans and their rights and freedoms."