Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission

09/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/24/2024 09:08

PUC Safety Division Concludes Investigation of 2024 House Explosion in Crescent Township, Allegheny County

PUC Safety Division Concludes Investigation of 2024 House Explosion in Crescent Township, Allegheny County

Published on 9/24/2024

Filed under: Gas

No Evidence Found Connecting House Explosion to Public Utility Natural Gas Service; PUC Will Continue Assisting Other Investigating Agencies

HARRISBURG - The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) Safety Division, part of the Commission's independent Bureau of Investigation and Enforcement (I&E), has concluded its investigation into a March 2024 incident in Crescent Township, Allegheny County, which claimed the lives of two residents and destroyed a house on Riverview Road.

Following a detailed investigation, the Safety Division found no evidence linking public utility jurisdictional natural gas service to the Crescent Township incident - noting that while Columbia Gas has natural gas mains in the general area, there were no utility gas mains in the immediate vicinity around the site; there was no public utility natural gas service connected to the home; and no utility gas leaks were found.

As part of this investigation, the Safety Division monitored integrity and odor testing conducted by Columbia Gas and conducted on-site interviews with first responders, utility employees, and area residents.

Safety Division investigators noted that while there was no public utility natural gas service connected to the home, a private natural gas well and propane tank were located on the property - which are both outside the PUC's jurisdiction.

While the PUC's portion of the investigation has concluded, the Commission recognizes and appreciates the high level of public concern generated by these types of sudden and tragic events. The Commission thanks residents and others impacted by this incident for their cooperation and patience during the investigation, as well as local fire and rescue personnel and other agencies who responded to this incident.

The focus of any further investigation of this incident is outside the scope of the PUC's jurisdiction. The PUC remains committed to its public safety mission and Safety Division engineers and experts will continue to serve as a resource to the Allegheny County Fire Marshal, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and other local authorities as they continue their investigations.

About the Safety Division and Bureau of Investigation & Enforcement

During all investigations, the Safety Division gathers and analyzes data to explore the cause and circumstances surrounding an incident, and whether there are any violations of state or federal pipeline safety regulations. Any determinations and actions are based on that information, within the scope of the PUC's jurisdiction, and any safety concerns identified by investigators are promptly addressed with regulated pipeline operators and/or utilities.

It is important to note that I&E investigations are limited - by regulation - to the involvement of, or impact from, utilities and utility systems under the jurisdiction of the PUC, along with natural gas transported by those assets. I&E does not have jurisdiction to investigate items, events, or piping beyond the outlet of a service meter within a structure.

Engineers from the Safety Division are in the field daily, conducting inspections of utility construction, operations, and integrity management activities. They also investigate issues discovered during their inspections, along with incidents, accidents, and events reported by utility operators, emergency response agencies, or the public. Additionally, the PUC has the authority to enforce federal pipeline safety laws as they relate to certain non-public utility gas and hazardous liquids pipelines and facilities that fall under the scope of Act 127 of 2011.

I&E, as the independent investigation and enforcement bureau of the PUC, enforces state and federal pipeline safety and motor carrier safety laws and regulations and represents the public interest in ratemaking and service matters before the PUC's Office of Administrative Law Judge. I&E has the authority to bring enforcement actions, seek emergency orders from the Commission, or take other steps to enforce safety regulations and promote public safety.

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