NDI - National Democratic Institute

10/10/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 10/11/2024 07:38

NDI Commemorates 25 Years of Strengthening Democracy in Kosovo

On September 17th, 2024, friends, partners, and associates of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) gathered in Pristina to commemorate NDI Kosovo's 25th anniversary. The event brought the President and Prime Minister of Kosovo, U.S. and EU Ambassadors, political party leaders, current and former Members of Parliament, mayors, civil society representatives, former NDI country directors, and many others together to reflect on NDI's quarter-century of support for democracy-building in Kosovo. NDI's Senior Regional Director for Central Eastern Europe, Robert Benjamin, opened the evening by reflecting on NDI's role in building democratic institutions, supporting women's empowerment, and fostering inclusivity. Benjamin expressed the "conviction, resolve, and friendship" with which NDI continues to support Kosovo's democratic journey.

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NDI Chairman Madeleine K. Albright addressing NDI Kosovo's Week of Women conference, December 15, 2020.

Celebrating NDI's 25 years of support for a democratic Kosovo encouraged guests to reflect on the humble origins of this partnership. Years after the breakup of Yugoslavia, Kosovo emerged from years of violence and destruction with the potential to become an independent and democratic state. While navigating embedded mistrust for outside assistance, continuing ethnic tensions, and unreliable business infrastructure, NDI's Pristina office coalesced around a passionate team of local activists. Since then, the organization has grown, adding to the number of democracy champions in Kosovo through training and outreach. In the 25 years since its inception, NDI Kosovo has worked alongside citizens to strengthen elections, establish vital democratic institutions, and engage previously under-resourced populations in civic life. A detailed retrospective of the organization's success in Kosovo was captured in a commemorative booklet, unveiled at the event, and is now available.

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Video message from former President Bill Clinton on the occasion of NDI/Kosovo's 25th anniversary.

With this rich history in mind, longtime champions for a democratic Kosovo joined the 25th anniversary celebration to commemorate NDI's impact in the country. In a message, former U.S. President Bill Clinton asserted that "NDI has been with the people of Kosovo every step of the way, helping to build a transparent, accountable, and inclusive democracy." His heartfelt tribute recognized the extraordinary leadership of NDI's late chair and former U.S. Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright. Her youngest daughter, Katie Albright, expressed her mother's emotional connection with Kosovo and its people. "Whenever my mother was asked what she was most proud of accomplishing as Secretary of State," Katie recalled, "she would say it was helping the people of Kosovo."

In his keynote address, U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo Jeffrey Hovenier highlighted how NDI's vital support has helped advance gender equality, increase political inclusivity, and counter-information operations in Kosovo. Ambassador Hovenier emphasized that "NDI has played a critical-and some might argue essential-role in the development and sustainment of democracy in Kosovo." The evening continued with appreciative messages from esteemed friends of NDI and Kosovo worldwide. USAID Administrator Samantha Power praised NDI Kosovo's work and honored the legacy of late chair Madeleine Albright. In Power's words, Albright "remained a relentless advocate for Kosovo's burgeoning democracy, mobilizing support for free elections, a dynamic and loud civil society, and stronger rule of law." We were also honored with personal tributes from General Wesley Clark and Special Envoy James Rubin on the important role NDI has played in Kosovo.

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Video message from USAID Administrator Samantha Power on the occasion of NDI/Kosovo's 25th anniversary, paying tribute to Madeleine Albrights legacy.
The President of Kosovo, H.E. Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu, concluded the celebration by highlighting NDI's success in empowering women, strengthening democracy, and advancing Kosovo's independence while expressing gratitude for NDI's unwavering support. "Over these 25 years," President Osmani-Sadriu remarked, "many distinguished individuals have left their mark in Kosovo through the work of NDI … [they have] helped us promote democracy, strengthen institutions, and improve the lives of our citizens." The President's address emphasized how diverse the organization's system of support has been since its inception through today.

The work of thousands of NDI's partners over the past 25 years stands as the strongest testament to NDI's impact on Kosovo's democracy. These partners have served as Members of Parliament, Mayors, and Ministers, making invaluable contributions to the development of Kosovo's civil society. After a quarter-century of democracy-building in Kosovo, NDI is committed to continuing its efforts alongside these partners, dedicated local staff, and NDI's ever-expanding network of program alumni. Although all parties have made significant progress in strengthening electoral and representative institutions between 1999 and now, democratic backsliding is an ever-present risk. For this reason, NDI Kosovo remains vigilant and ambitious in its efforts to cement democratic norms and support inclusive governance. To advance former NDI Chair Madeleine Albright's vision of a representative democracy that would serve all Kosovars, NDI and all of its local partners continue pursuing forward progress for the years to come.

Authors: Nancy Soderberg, Senior Resident Country Director NDI Kosovo and Ylli Tafarshiku, Communications Officer, NDI Kosovo

NDI's engagement with this programming is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Associate Cooperative Agreement No. 72016723CA00001. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government."

Related Resources:

Tribute Video for Madeleine K. Albright - NDI Kosovo 25

NDI/Kosovo's 25-Year Journey: Building Democracy, One Step at a Time

Visual History: 25 Years of NDI in Kosovo

Twenty Years with the Assembly of Kosovo


NDI is a non-profit, non-partisan, non-governmental organization that works in partnership around the world to strengthen and safeguard democratic institutions, processes, norms and values to secure a better quality of life for all. NDI envisions a world where democracy and freedom prevail, with dignity for all.