Jack Reed

17/07/2024 | Press release | Archived content

On Block Island, Reed Celebrates Public Health & Safety Upgrades

July 17, 2024

On Block Island, Reed Celebrates Public Health & Safety Upgrades

NEW SHOREHAM, RI - U.S. Senator Jack Reed today travelled to Block Island to tour and discuss several critical projects to enhance public health and safety for residents and visitors that were made possible by federal funding secured by Reed and his colleagues in the Rhode Island congressional delegation.

"Block Island has a well-earned reputation as a safe, serene, and family-friendly island community. Keeping it that way means investing wisely in public health and safety projects to ensure everyone on the island can access emergency services, adequate water capacity, clean drinking water, medical services, and more. I'm proud to deliver federal funding for the Block Island community. Today we are celebrating several key projects that will improve well-being for residents and visitors alike and reinforce Block Island's sterling reputation as a safe and welcoming destination," said Senator Reed, a senior member of the Appropriations Committee.

"The Block Island community is so grateful for the support we have consistently had from Senator Reed. Senator Reed recognizes that the resources we require as a community - public safety, health care, education, housing, are enormously difficult, if not impossible, to fulfill without help from our federal government. After the challenge of a devastating fire last summer, Senator Reed was instantly on the phone with us saying, 'what can I do to help?' And you will see the result of that here thanks to Senator Reed's work: his care for our community - for years - makes all of us on the island feel so grateful and supported," said First Warden Keith Stover. "We are lucky to have Senator Reed, Senator Whitehouse and Representative Magaziner, because they truly recognize how unique and special our small community is, and that the sensitivity of our environment, and our tiny community, routinely require us to ask for their help. And they have always been responsive."

Senator Reed joined with town officials to announce a $3.5 million federal earmark secured by Reed for the first phase of a new Block Island Public Safety Complex.

The new complex will provide a modern home for Block Island Volunteer Fire & Rescue and Block Island Police Department. Senator Reed secured the funding for Block Island in the fiscal year 2024 appropriations law to help build a two-story facility that will house the island's fire and rescue trucks which are currently parked outside due to limited space, increasing wear and tear on the vehicles from the elements. Discussions on planning and design for the new public safety complex are ongoing and the town must now work with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to meet all federal requirements before the funds can be expended.

Following the earmark announcement, Reed joined Dr. Thomas K. Warcup, medical director and chief executive officer of the Block Island Medical Center (BIMC), to survey progress on a multi-million dollar renovation and expansion project and to discuss BIMC's partnership with Wood River Health to ensure island residents and visitors have access to high-quality dental care with the creation of new dental suites at the medical center.

The renovation and expansion project for BIMC was supported by a $2 million federal earmark secured by Senators Reed and Whitehouse.

Lastly, Senator Reed joined John Breunig, Block Island Water Company Water Superintendent, to tour sites where water infrastructure upgrades and improvements will help provide a reliable, sustainable supply of clean water for the community.

Reed and his colleagues in the federal delegation helped secure $5.6 million in federal investments in Block Island's water infrastructure upgrades. Reed worked with town officials and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to cut red tape for Block Island's grant and loan applications to help advance this critical project.

Upgrades include construction of an additional 248,000-gallon water storage tank and reverse osmosis unit to treat brackish water and produce an extra 144,000 gallons per day. Increased capacity for Block Island's water supply will help bolster public health and safety by ensuring first responders on the island have access to a sustainable source of water to fight fires.

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