Siena College

09/20/2024 | News release | Archived content

Saints Around the World: Siena, Italy

Center for International Programs
Sep 20, 2024

Naomy Alcantara '25 needed to learn Italian - and fast. The unexpected solution? A seat at a stranger's dinner table.

Studying abroad is a requirement for international studies minors, but that's not why Naomy is spending this fall in Siena, Italy. She immigrated to the United States from the Dominican Republic when she was six, and her perspective has been limited to her home and the home she left. Naomy has yearned to see more of the world since the 9th grade, and she's been particularly fascinated by Italy.

"I've always had a passion for history, especially Florentine. Florence is where I originally wanted to study. But when I stepped foot in Siena, I immediately fell in love with the city."

Naomy was awestruck by the timeless architecture and the never-ending rich history the city offers, and she's eager to travel to nearby towns and taste the local cuisine. Nevertheless, a highlight of Siena has been the opportunity to live, and eat, with a host family.

"I know many students live in apartments that are offered by the school. I wanted to immerse myself in the culture while living in the city. I was able to do this by living with a host family!"

That's where Naomy discovered her first international obstacle - the language barrier between herself and her host mother.

"Communicating with someone who doesn't understand you can be so hard and awkward. That's where my three-week intensive course in Italian has become so valuable in pushing me out of my comfort zone."

With the help of her host sister, Google Translate, and her intensive language course, Naomy has been able to slowly bridge the language gap. The food helps, too.

"They provide me breakfast and dinner, and I've gotten to try so many different pastas thanks to them. My host mother has also introduced me to food I've never tried before. Believe it or not, it was my first time having margarita pizza!"

Naomy has discovered that people can connect through food, even when they're not speaking the same language. Culture is often absorbed without needing words.

"Studying abroad has definitely shown me a new perspective of the world, life, and people. I'm excited to learn even more in my classes that start up next week, especially my global studies and art history classes that focus on political influence."

Naomy is living the adventure she's been dreaming of for years, and she's learning just as much about herself as other cultures.

"I'm a very introverted person, so going out by myself is more of a struggle. Being abroad has taught me to be independent. I've learned to adapt to my environment and create my own community similar to the one at Siena."

Next on Naomy's itinerary is Spain, where she'll reunite with cousins from the Dominican Republic. After that, she's off to Greece. Though she doesn't speak Greek, she's confident the language barrier will work itself out - especially with good food involved.