John Moolenaar

07/24/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Moolenaar: Vice President Harris Failed to Stand with Israel

Today, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress and spoke about his country's efforts to defend itself against Hamas and rescue the hostages - including Americans - being held by the terrorist organization.

"Vice President Harris has the Constitutional responsibility to preside over the Senate and she did not show up for work today. She had the opportunity to publicly stand behind Israel in its fight against Hamas and it was a disgraceful decision for her not to attend," said Congressman John Moolenaar, who attended Netanyahu's address on Wednesday afternoon.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech reminded everyone of what is at stake in the war against Hamas terrorists. Over nine months ago, Hamas slaughtered families, raped women, and kidnapped infants. Today, it still holds more than 100 hostages, including five living Americans and three dead Americans whose bodies it refuses to release to their families. I call on all Americans to join me in standing with Israel in its fight against Hamas and the dangerous leaders of Iran," added Moolenaar.

Moolenaar previously led his colleagues in calling on Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate anti-Semitic rallies following the attacks on Israel. Moolenaar voted for additional aid to Israel to defeat Hamas.