International IDEA - International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance

06/18/2024 | News release | Archived content

International IDEA facilitates exchanges to Romania and Estonia for Ukraine’s CEC

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International IDEA facilitates exchanges to Romania and Estonia for Ukraine's CEC

June 18, 2024• By Kseniia Lukach
Image credit: Central Election Commission of Ukraine website.
The European elections, held across the European Union from June 6 to June 9, 2024, drew millions of voters to the polls. During this pivotal democratic event, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) played a crucial role by supporting essential visits for Ukraine's Central Election Commission (CEC) as part of the International Visitors' Programmes.

From June 6 to June 10, 2024, representatives from the Central Election Commission of Ukraine engaged in a series of informative exchanges in Romania and Estonia. These visits were aimed at providing delegations with insights into electoral processes, strategies, and best practices used in European countries.

In Romania, Mr Volodymyr Perepeliuk, a Member of the Central Election Commission, and Ms Tetiana Ruban, head of the Commission Secretariat's Legal Department, visited the Permanent Electoral Authority (PEA) to learn from the conduct of the European Parliament elections and Romania's local public administration authorities' election. The delegation visited polling stations and participated in briefings on election organization and conduct. These interactions provided them with valuable knowledge that is expected to enhance Ukraine's voter communication strategies.

Ms Viktoriia Hluschenko, a Member of the Central Election Commission, and Ms Kateryna Kuzmenkova, Chief Consultant of the Commission's Secretariat, travelled to Tallinn, Estonia, to join the International Visitors' Programme organized by the Estonian National Electoral Committee. The Ukrainian delegation learned from Estonia's voting and counting processes during the European Parliament elections. This experience offered insights to help align Ukraine's electoral practices with European standards.

International IDEA is devoted to enhancing international cooperation and knowledge exchange in democratic electoral processes. By facilitating these visits, International IDEA is honoured to support Ukraine's ongoing efforts to improve its electoral procedures and voter communication strategies. The exchanges in Romania and Estonia are expected to strengthen collaboration between Ukraine and its European counterparts, promoting effective practices in election administration.

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About the authors

Kseniia Lukach - Programme Assistant
Programme Assistant
Kseniia Lukach is a Programme Assistant of International IDEA's Europe Regional Programme. She supports the effective development and implementation of programme activities that increase cooperation…