Joe Courtney

28/06/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 29/06/2024 03:05

GOP Defense Appropriations Bill Fails to Meet National Security Needs, Forces ‘No’ Vote

WASHINGTON, D.C. -Today, Congressman Joe Courtney (CT-02) issued the following statement after voting 'no' on House Republicans'FY25 Defense Appropriations bill. The bill, crafted by the Appropriations Committee, diverted from the recommendation of the House Armed Services Committee's National Defense Authorization Act which included authorization to procure two Virginia Class submarines in FY25.

"House Republicans' FY25 Defense Appropriations bill will never become law. Aside from its hyper-partisanpolicy riders and the elimination of Ukraine security assistance, it does not reflect the stated need of Combatant Commanders, the near-unanimous recommendationof the House Armed Services Committee which I sit on, and the will of 133 Democrats and Republicans whorequested steady Virginia Class funding.

"The bill also does nothing to support the supply chain companies affected by the planned reduction in procurement, leaving many suppliers in the industrial base uncertain about future business.

"Just like last year's appropriations process, we know that the partisan bill passed by the House today is a performative step in a much longer process that will rightly end in bipartisan compromise. I will continue working with my colleagues to ensure the final FY25 Defense Appropriations package reflects the bipartisan annual defense billadvanced out of the House Armed Services Committee."
