Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Mexican States

09/02/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/02/2024 18:55

Young researchers from three continents propose solutions to Latin American and Caribbean challenges

Young researchers from three continents propose solutions to Latin American and Caribbean challenges


Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores | September 02, 2024 | Press Release

Young researchers from three continents propose solutions to Latin American and Caribbean challenges
  • The seminar "Rethinking Latin American and Caribbean Development", to be held from September 9-11, will bring together ten young researchers selected through an international call for papers. They will analyze critical regional macroeconomic, productive, social, and environmental issues.

The selection process for young researchers' papers, part of the "Rethinking Latin American and Caribbean Development" call for papers, has successfully concluded. The call attracted 123 candidates from 21 countries across Latin America, Europe, and Africa. It was promoted by the Young Scholar Initiative network in collaboration with the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF), the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM), and Mexico's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE). The initiative encourages an intergenerational dialogue and seeks to give rise to new ideas and perspectives to address the region's challenges.

The Evaluation Committee chose ten outstanding researchers who will present their work on development, international trade, macroeconomics, productive specialization, inequality, poverty, and environmental sustainability at the international seminar entitled "Rethinking Latin American and Caribbean Development", to be held from September 9-11 in Mexico City. The event, which coincides with UAM's 50th anniversary, will be an opportunity for dialogue and reflection on the region's main challenges and opportunities in an increasingly complex global context.

Additionally, the researchers will have the opportunity to interact with leading academic experts and policy-makers from various countries to address critical macroeconomic, productive, social, and environmental issues. All of them possess deep knowledge of the region.

The ten researchers selected by the Evaluation Committee to present their work are:

  1. Diana A. Prelorenzo (France), Université Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle. Economic specialization and regional development. Empirical evidence from the Mexican economy.
  2. Ivan Souza Vieira (Brazil), National Autonomous University of Mexico. Electric buses in urban mobility: The experiences of São Paulo and Mexico City.
  3. María Ibáñez Martín (Argentina), Universidad Nacional del Sur-Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur (CONICET). Global and regional differences: How institutions affect sustainability.
  4. Norida Vanegas Chinchilla (Colombia), EAFIT University. Breaking the vicious cycle: How institutional incongruence reinforces multi-level informality in Latin America's motorcycle taxi sector.
  5. Sebastian Villano (Uruguay), University of the Republic. Analysis and strategies for Latin American integration: An approach from the general equilibrium model of trade.
  6. Talia Rebeca Haro Barón (Mexico), National Autonomous University of Mexico. Lessons from the policy that should not be named: Standards and policies for promoting the pharmaceutical industry in Latin America.
  7. Valeria Salinas-Maceda (Bolivia), University of Salamanca. The heirs of the chola bourgeoisie. Empirical analysis of family inheritance variables influencing social mobility of urban indigenous youth.
  8. Yanis Bekhti (France), UCSC (Milan) & Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne. De-industrialization, manufacturing recompositions and productivity dynamics during commodity-boom: Evidence from Latin America (1990-2018).
  9. Cristian Adderly Maravi Meneses (Peru), University of Piura. Agricultural exports and land tenure security.
  10. Ana Laura Catelén (Argentina), National University of Mar del Plata, Carlos III University of Madrid. The pendulum of Argentine economic policy: Refining a method for measuring policy volatility.

This initiative is part of the ongoing efforts by CAF, UAM, SRE, and the Young Scholar Initiative network to promote reflection and diagnosis of the region's structural problems, contributing to the sustainable development and integration of Latin America and the Caribbean.

For more information about the seminar, visit the website.

About CAF

The mission of the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean is to promote sustainable development and regional integration by financing projects in the public and private sectors, providing technical cooperation and other specialized services. Founded in 1970 and currently comprising 21 countries - 19 from Latin America and the Caribbean, along with Spain and Portugal - and 13 private banks, it is one of the main sources of multilateral financing and an important knowledge generator for the region. More information at CAF, Strategic Communications Directorate, [email protected]

Find us on Facebook: CAF.America.Latina / X: @AgendaCAF

About the Mexican Foreign Ministry

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs conducts Mexico's foreign policy through dialogue, cooperation, country promotion, and assistance for the Mexican community abroad, and coordinates the government's international actions.

About UAM

The Metropolitan Autonomous University is a public institution that offers a flexible and innovative educational model; high-level scientific and humanistic research with social impact, as well as outstanding work in cultural and knowledge dissemination. It was founded in 1974 and has more than 200,000 graduates.

About Young Scholars Initiative

YSI is a global network that brings together more than 22,000 young researchers from 120 countries and is part of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET). Its aim is to foster critical thinking and promote innovative approaches in economic research, providing an inclusive space for emerging scholars from diverse disciplines.