USAID - U.S. Agency for International Development

06/05/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/05/2024 17:58

Administrator Samantha Power on NPR's All Things Considered

MARY LOUISE KELLY: The United States Agency for International Development, better known as USAID, says it is sending $90 million to aid Palestinians in Gaza. The announcement comes amid growing concerns of famine. Roughly half the population of Gaza faces severe food insecurity. Well, Samantha Power is in charge, she is the Administrator for USAID.

Samantha Power, welcome back to All Things Considered.


MS. KELLY: What are you hoping $90 million will buy?

ADMINISTRATOR POWER: Well, it will buy a lot more if we can secure greater humanitarian access because resources are only part of the equation. It is really important that every country step up - there are a lot of needs in places like Sudan, all around the world. And so this is an important announcement. It allows organizations like the World Food Programme, UNICEF, and others to build their pipelines to get supplies into the region. But fundamentally, we need more checkpoints open, we need humanitarian aid workers to feel secure as they drive from one part of Gaza to the next, and that's been very challenging throughout this conflict so far.

MS. KELLY: Yeah, I mean, you're touching on a key thing, which is that providing aid is one thing, getting it distributed is another, especially since the closing of the Rafah border crossing and there's been damage to the pier the U.S. has been working on building. How does that effort go? Getting the aid this money will hopefully buy, to people who desperately need it?

ADMINISTRATOR POWER: Well, I think that you mentioned Rafah - Rafah needs to be reopened. It's very important - negotiations between Egypt and Israel are underway. I think President Biden has done something extremely important, which is brokered the reopening of Kerem Shalom, and we now have, you know, 200, 300 trucks most days going through Kerem Shalom. But you know, we've said that we need 500 trucks, humanitarian aid trucks alone. And that's something we've been saying for many months. And it's a target that we've almost never met. So you can imagine the deficit between, you know, getting to 150, 250, trucks and 500. And trucks are a poor proxy for what we're really talking about, but its basic shelter, food, medicine, and now with the fuel shortages - water as well, because it's so difficult to power the water in the sanitation plants.

MS. KELLY: You're talking about things that the U.S. has been calling for for months. You're an experienced diplomat, a former U.S. Ambassador to the UN - is the U.S. doing everything it can, exerting every ounce of leverage it has to try to get this aid to the people it needs?

ADMINISTRATOR POWER: Well, we are pushing, I can tell you, relentlessly. And USAID's logisticians, and operational people are on the ground coming up day in, day out with creative solutions. But clearly, Hamas, you know, insinuates itself in the civilian population, that makes it very, very challenging. And Israel needs to prioritize the opening of multiple crossing points at, you know, at one time.

I think the emphasis right now, honestly Mary Louise, is on this really important ceasefire proposal, because what the President has laid out is something that would pause the fighting, you know, it would address some of these concerns that aid workers have moving around - not just their safety, but the delays and the blockages at checkpoints and so forth. You know, all of that, presumably, would melt away, and we would be able to flood the zone with the kinds of food and shelter that are needed. And, as President Biden has said, paved the way for a permanent end of hostilities, because this just can't go on.

MS. KELLY: Just to change gears. I do want to ask about growing dissent within the Biden Administration over the Administration's policy toward Gaza. I have interviewed one of the State Department officials who resigned in protest, and I know one of your senior [gender] advisors Alex Smith resigned. Last week, in his resignation letter to you, wrote, "I can no longer in good conscience continue to be silent amidst USAID's a de facto policy of ignoring human suffering when that suffering is perpetrated by an ally." How do you respond to that?

ADMINISTRATOR POWER: Well, nobody at USAID, I assure you, is ignoring human suffering. And I wish I could have on the show the people who do this work day in, day out, often at great personal risk. I wish I could introduce you to indeed our Palestinian staff, you know, who are doing this work and who have family members in Gaza, for whom this is really, really personal.

We have a lot of views at USAID that are critical of U.S. foreign policy. We have views that believe we are pushing and doing everything we can, and my job is to hear those views, and particularly those that are informed by facts on the ground and ideas about what more we can do. Because the situation is abhorrent. Civilians are living in unimaginable terror and in unimaginable deprivation. So if there weren't people, particularly in an agency like USAID, that is rooted in humanitarian and development mission, who are unhappy about where we are, that would be disappointing in its own right.

MS. KELLY: That is Samantha Power. She is the U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator. I appreciate the time. I look forward to continuing the conversation.

ADMINISTRATOR POWER: Thank you, Mary Louise.