City of Phoenix, AZ

06/27/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/27/2024 16:25

The City of Phoenix, Councilmembers and 'Be Well Health' Raise Awareness about HIV with a Free Testing Event

The City of Phoenix, Councilmembers and Be Well Health Raise Awareness to Reduce the Stigma about HIV with a Free Testing Event.

The City of Phoenix's Human Services Department, along with three City of Phoenix Councilmembers joined together with Be Well Health for an event to raise awareness on "National HIV Testing Day," which is June 27th this year. The event also welcomed a new resource to the community to combat the spread of HIV and AIDS.

Vice Mayor Debra Stark (District 3), and Councilmembers Laura Pastor (District 4) and Carlos Galindo-Elvira (District 7) attended a ribbon cutting for the opening of a new clinic that focuses specifically on sexual health. The "Be Well Health" clinic is located inside the Walgreens at 3402 N. Central Avenue in Phoenix. The event included free HIV testing resources for HIV and AIDs care and treatment, and entertainment.

To help reduce the stigma and misconceptions about HIV and AIDS, all three council members had themselves tested at the event in hopes of encouraging others to do the same.

"The test itself was easy and quick," said Vice Mayor Debra Stark who represents Council District 3. "'Unknown' is the only status you should fear. Testing empowers you and protects you and your loved ones. The City of Phoenix and its partnerships with government entities, community organizations and medical providers are making testing and resources more accessible with events like this one."

Last year, The Arizona Department of Health Services reported a 20% statewide increase in new HIV cases. Testing helps individuals get the care and resources they need to lead otherwise normal lives and bring the virus to a state where it is not transmittable.

"Be Well Health's" Grand Opening and Free HIV Testing Day is in partnership with the City of Phoenix's Fast-Track Cities Initiative, which aims to strengthen HIV programs and leverage resources to end the HIV epidemic by 2030.

"There was a time when it was incomprehensible to think the end to the HIV epidemic would be possible. Now we can see it as something we can achieve," said Councilwoman Laura Pastor, who represents District 4. "If we can get every individual to test and those who test positive on to treatment and virally undetectable, we can stop new transmissions."

The goals of the initiative are for 95% of people living with HIV to know their status; 95% of people who know their positive status to get on HIV medication, 95% of those individuals to achieve viral suppression; and to accomplish zero stigma in our community.

"We, at the City of Phoenix, aim to create an environment free of "stigma and discrimination," said District 7 Councilman Carlos Galindo-Elvira. "HIV and AIDS impacts everyone, no matter their race, gender or orientation. No one should fear getting tested, getting help or simply asking questions."

"Be Well Health" provides sexual healthcare to ALL members of the community. To learn more and make your appointment, visit

For more information about HIV and to locate other testing opportunities and services visit​