RAMW - Restaurant Association Metropolitan Washington

09/03/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/03/2024 12:27

September is Food Safety Month. Week 1: What is a Foodborne Illness? Breaking Down Common Foodborne Illnesses

Millions of Americans experience food poisoning each year, suffering symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and cramps. In some cases, those symptoms aren't just disruptive - they're life-threatening.

That's why, to kick off National Food Safety Month 2024, we're focusing on some of the most common culprits behind foodborne illnesses. While food can become contaminated by chemical, physical, or biological elements, we'll be focused on biological hazards. Biological hazards in food known to make people sick are called foodborne pathogens. If you work with food, you should be aware of common pathogens and their telltale symptoms so that you can protect yourself and your community. Let's dive in!

What is a Foodborne Illness?

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Foodborne illness occurs when people eat or drink food or beverages contaminated with pathogens, chemicals, or toxins. Regardless of how food is contaminated, foodborne illness is a significant public health challenge in the U.S. and worldwide. The FDA reports that 1 in 6 peopleget sick from contaminated food each year.

Your Guide to Common Foodborne Illnesses

While there are many ways for food to become contaminated, the reality is that most cases of illness in the U.S. are caused by a select handful of foodborne pathogens. In fact, data from the FDA reveals that five major pathogenscommonly cause foodborne illnesses across the nation.