Squarespace Inc.

07/02/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/02/2024 08:14

8 Ways to Make Money From A Website

5. Ecommerce

Selling products online is a major income source for any budding entrepreneur. Even if you have a brick-and-mortar store with customers coming in and out to make purchases, an online store is still necessary to move products and increase sales. It also allows you to reach outside of your immediate location or network.

Some ecommerce stores may offer print on demand and elect to sell exclusively online to avoid the added cost of managing physical inventory. An example of ecommerce that new online sellers may want to try is dropshipping. It can be as low-lift as you need or as full-time as you want, to sell online via a website with an added third-party partner to help with all of the shipping and fulfillment.

6. Donations

In some cases it may make more sense to ask for users or readers to donate to your efforts as a show of appreciation. Rather than having a tiered system like subscriptions, donations can be a one-time cost. Think of crowdfunding.

Donations can be something you keep available on an ongoing basis or dedicate to a specific project or time period. This path is another way to avoid putting ads up on your website and keep your community the way you want it.

7. Ads

Advertising on a website is possibly the lowest lift way for a website to make money. Banner ads, for example, can appear on the top, sides, or bottom of your webpage. If a user visiting your website engages with your content and clicks on the banner ad, making a purchase, you get a bit of that profit.

If your website is generating quite a bit of traffic, this may be a good route to take, because the more users that click on the static or dynamic ad, the more income your website generates.

8. Website flipping

There's a longer-game way to get income from your website: Consider website flipping. Think of house flipping-the same general concept applies here. First you build your own website, grow it, attract a lot of users and visitors with content, and then, when it's more successful, sell it for a price. There are factors for how valuable a website is, such as the domain name or if it's optimized for search, that will help determine the price of your website.

Still, while you grow that audience, and work toward a sale, consider using any of the other options above to keep generating income.

How to decide which monetization option to pursue

Any monetization option for a website is a valid one. But if you're just starting out, it can be overwhelming trying to pick the right path for your website. Selecting one option over another doesn't mean others are negated.

Consider the following when trying to decide which option to pursue:

  1. How much time do you want or have to devote to your website? If it's a side hustle, select something that doesn't need a lot of management like banner ads or donations.

  2. Do your business goals include selling products? You may need to invest time in product development or research before optimizing your website for sales.

  3. What's the most natural fit? It can be easier to build on something you're already doing and have a following for, like adding recipe access for cooking videos.

Determine your business goals and measurement of what success looks like before selecting a way forward to monetize your website. These things can always change but it's good to establish a foundation.

What types of websites make the most money?

In general, ecommerce is one of the best ways to make money. Selling products or services may have higher or more consistent profits.

However, if you have a large enough audience, subscriptions to content or newsletters can generate a lot of income. Many journalists, for example, leave their full-time jobs at media organizations because they have enough of an audience for their work to sustain an income.

How to set earnings goals

Use S.M.A.R.T.-specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely-to guide goal-setting for your website, including earnings.

For example, if you offer coaching services, and you don't have an established audience yet, your goals will look different at the beginning. At first you may need to build an audience and drive organic traffic to your website via search or through social media. Your earnings goal for a new business may be six to 12 months out for real profit.

How long does it take to monetize a website?

How long it takes to start earning money depends on where you're starting from. A brand new website will take longer than one with an established following. In general, try to give yourself a three-month lead time to start making a profit from your website.

Even affiliate marketing links need time to turn a profit because they are closely tied to visitors coming to a website and clicking those links.

To promote your website, know that organic traffic is a major way for users to find any business or website. Whether you build that traffic through SEO, social media, or collaborations with like-minded businesses, consistency is key to grow over time. Create your foundation first.