New Zealand Government

10/22/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/21/2022 19:43

Ngāti Hāua and Crown sign Agreement in Principle - Ka waitohu a Ngāti Hāua me te Karauna i te Whakaaetanga ā-Mātāpono

Kua oti i a Ngāti Hāua me te Karauna tētahi Whakaaetanga ā-Mātāpono te waitohu ki Taumarunui, ki Ngāpūwaiwaha Marae i te rā nei, he tohu o te ekenga o tētahi taumata nunui o te whakataunga o ngā kerēme Tiriti o Waitangi hītori a Ngāti Hāua.

"Ko te waitohunga nei he hua o ngā tau huhua i pau ai te kaha, ā, kua roa e tāria ana ngā uri o Ngāti Hāua," hei tā te Minita mō ngā take Tiriti, hei tā Andrew Little.

"E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakamānawa i ngā uri o Ngāti Hāua kua eke nei ki tēnei taumata o te whai i ngā take Tiriti, ā, i te Ngāti Hāua Iwi Trust mō tōna manawanui, tōna manawaroa me tōna manawa ū i te roanga o ngā whiriwhiringa kōrero hei whai i te oranga mō ōna hapū, ōna whānau me āna mokopuna hei ngā rā e tū mai nei."

Ko tōna 2,500 te tokomaha o ngā uri o Ngāti Hāua, a, e karapoti ana tōna rohe pānga i te pito raki o Whanganui awa, toro atu ki Ruapehu maunga, tae atu hoki ki te tāone nei, ki Taumarunui.

I roto i te Whakaaetanga ā-Mātāpono, ka arongia e te Karauna āna mahi o mua, āna aweretanga hoki i wāhia ai te Tiriti o Waitangi, tae atu ki te hāpainga o te patu ki a Ngāti Hāua; te tahunga o te rohe o Ngāti Hāua ki te mura o te ahi i ngā tau 1860; te whakawākanga kino o ngā tūpuna o Ngāti Hāua, arā o Te Rangiatea rāua ko Matene Ruta Te Whareaitu, me te aha ka whakamatea a Te Whareaitu.

  • Ka whakamārama te Whakaaetanga ā-Mātāpono i te kete whakataunga whānui, tae atu ki ēnei: He puretumu tauhoko, he puretumu pūtea, he $19 miriona te nui
  • He puretumu ahurea, he puretumu tauhoko whānui pēnei me te whakahokinga o ētahi wāhi tapu huri noa i te rohe o Ngāti Hāua
  • He tahua ahurea, he $1.4 miriona te nui, me ētahi whakaaetanga whakahoanga ki ētahi tari Karauna e whai ana ki te tautoko i ngā whāinga a Ngāti Hāua mō te whakaumutanga ā-hapori

Ka whakamanatia hoki ko Te Pou Tikanga, arā ko ngā uara a Ngāti Hāua, kia whakaūngia, kia hāngai hoki ki ngā pou nāna nei i tohu te rohe o Ngāti Hāua mai anō.

"E kore rawa e oti i tētahi whakataunga Tiriti ngā mahi hē a te Karauna i pā ki a Ngāti Hāua te whakatikatika. Heoi anō, ko te tūmanako o tōku ngākau ia kia tautoko te Whakaaetanga ā-Mātāpono nei ki te whakamau anō i tō rātou whakahoanga ki te Karauna, kia pai ai te āwhina i a Ngāti Hāua, ā, kia whai ai rātou i ō rātou wawata ā muri nei mō ō rātou tāngata, he wawata i whakatauria rā e rātou," hei tā Andrew Little.

Hei koneiwhakairia ai te Whakaaetanga ā-Mātāpono i waitohua rā.


Ngāti Hāua and Crown sign Agreement in Principle

Ngāti Hāua and the Crown have signed an Agreement in Principle at Ngāpūwaiwaha Marae at Taumarunui today, marking a significant milestone towards the settlement of Ngāti Hāua's historical Treaty of Waitangi claims.

"This signing is the result of many years of hard work and has been long awaited by the people of Ngāti Hāua," Treaty for Waitangi Negotiations Minister Andrew Little said.

"I want to acknowledge the people of Ngāti Hāua on reaching this important point in their Tiriti journey as well as the Ngāti Hāua Iwi Trust for its persistence, determination and unwavering dedication throughout negotiations in pursuit of the future wellbeing of their hapū, whānau and mokopuna."

Ngāti Hāua have a population of approximately 2,500 members and an area of interest based around the northern reaches of the Whanganui River extending to Mount Ruapehu, including the township of Taumarunui.

In the Agreement in Principle, the Crown acknowledges its past acts and omissions that breached the Treaty of Waitangi including its use of military force against Ngāti Hāua, bringing war to the Ngāti Hāua rohe in the 1860s, the unjust trial of Ngāti Hāua tūpuna Te Rangiatea and Matene Ruta Te Whareaitu, leading to the execution of Te Whareaitu.

The Agreement in Principle also outlines a broad settlement package including:

  • Commercial and financial redress of $19 million
  • A range of cultural and commercial redress including the return of a number of sites of cultural significance across the rohe of Ngāti Hāua
  • A cultural fund of $1.4million, and relationship agreements with a number of Crown agencies aimed at supporting the social transformation aspirations of Ngāti Hāua

It will also recognise Te Pou Tikanga, the values of Ngāti Hāua, that affirm and align with the pou that traditionally have marked the Ngāti Hāua rohe.

"No Treaty settlement can ever truly compensate for the Crown injustices suffered by Ngāti Hāua. However, it is my sincere hope that this Agreement in Principle will enable the restoration of their relationship with the Crown to positively contribute to Ngāti Hāua and for them to work towards their future aspirations for their people as decided by them," Andrew Little said.

The signed Ngāti Hāua Agreement in Principle will be available here.