City of Raleigh, NC

12/03/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/03/2024 15:12

Council Approves Funding to Address Homelessness

Raleigh residents who are unsheltered or at risk of homelessness will have more help thanks to action by City Council on Tuesday.

The City will contract with multiple organizations to provide service in three key areas:

  1. Homelessness Prevention: This helps people at immediate risk (within 21 days) from becoming homeless. It provides services to keep individuals and families housed. Those include short-term case management, mediation, family reunification, and financial assistance.

  2. Diversion: This helps those who have just lost their housing find safe alternatives immediately, avoiding unsheltered homelessness or shelter stays. The goal is to make the experience as short and stable as possible.

  3. Rapid Exit: This secures housing quickly for people staying in shelters. It reduces the time spent in shelters and prevents further periods of homelessness.

The trio of programs is part of the broad approach the City is using to reduce the number of people without shelter in Raleigh. It follows the federal Housing and Urban Development's Continuum of Care, which begins with outreach and ends with permanent housing. The approach requires all levels of government and community organizations working together toward the common goal of ending homelessness.

Organizations that are part of this round of contracts are Triangle Family Services, Family Promise of the Triangle, Families Together, Oak City Cares, and Urban Ministries of Wake County. The Council approved the largest of the contracts; the others can be administered internally per City policy.

Council's decision adds one more piece the affordable housing puzzle. Learn more about the City's efforts by searching "Affordable Housing" on our website.
