Village of Western Springs, IL

11/21/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 11/22/2024 10:17

Consumer Survey: Downtown Market Assessment

Residents are invited to share their thoughts on downtown Western Springs by participating in a market assessment consumer survey. The survey is open through December 20, 2024.

The Community Development Department is updating the Market Assessment for the Village's downtown. This will serve as a much-needed update to the previous 2007 Downtown Market Assessment. The process includes interviews with valuable stakeholders in the downtown; an inventory of the downtown's existing conditions; and an analysis of how visitors use the downtown.

Upon completion, the assessment will provide recommendations to attract businesses and visitors, and identify potential growth sectors. The final findings and recommendations will be presented to the Village Board of Trustees. A better understanding of our downtown's marketability will help inform policy decisions to ensure the Village meet the needs of existing and future businesses. This will help the downtown area maintain its vibrancy, while creating new opportunities for existing and future businesses.

Consumer survey: