Office of Environmental Management

03/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 03/09/2024 20:03

DOE Leaders Attend Japan’s Fukushima Forum

The first day featured a panel with Japanese and international government and industry leaders, and local community members engaging in a discussion focused on the Fukushima Daiichi NPS decommissioning and the future of the local community. The objective of the discussion was to provide the local community with information and space for a robust dialogue, sharing ideas, hopes and visions for the future.

The program for the second day gave technical experts the opportunity to discuss ongoing progress and the upcoming full-fledged debris retrieval process at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS, as well as stakeholder engagement lessons learned and best practices.

"Building these relationships with international partners, as well as our regulators, stakeholders and local communities is a priority for EM as we carry out our mission in the U.S," said Avery. "Over the past 35 years of EM's operations, we've built a wealth of knowledge through lessons learned, scientific advancement, and facility operations that provide valuable insights to our international partners, just as their experiences provide the same for us."

EM and Japanese officials have been working together to address the Fukushima cleanup for more than a decade. EM has held technical workshops, hosted Japan government officials and their technical organizations to DOE sites, and supported key stakeholder engagement events, like this year's forum.

Avery commended the NDF officials for their progress and ongoing initiatives to build transparency and collaboration with local and international stakeholders.

In addition to the forum, leaders toured the Fukushima Daiichi cleanup site and Rokkasho, where Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited operates several nuclear facilities like those within EM's portfolio, and met with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.