Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A

09/25/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/25/2024 07:48

Asset Backed Issuer Distribution Report Form 10 D

Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period 8/01/2024-8/31/2024
Determination Date 9/12/2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
Additional information about the structure, cash flows, defined terms and parties for each publicly registered series of asset-backed securities covered in this report can be found in the applicable prospectus for the series, available on the SEC website ( under registration number 333-227766, as applicable, and at, located under "Prospectuses" in the "Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A" Section.
Contents Pages
Trust Summary 1-8
Series 2018-4 Summary 9-12
Series 2019-4 Summary 13-16
Series 2020-2 Summary 17-20

Trust Summary
I. Principal Receivables Trust Total
A. Beginning Adjusted Pool Balance $ 16,700,815,731.97
B. Principal Collections $ 8,907,686,821.89
C. Principal Adjustments $ 183,443,795.49
D. Principal Reduction - Redesignated Accounts $ 3,240,829.00
E. Defaulted Receivables $ 0.00
F. New Principal Receivables $ 10,851,815,351.33
G. Principal Increase - Additional Accounts $ 0.00
H. Net Deposits / (Withdrawals) to the Excess Funding Account $ 0.00
Ending Adjusted Pool Balance (A-B-C-D-E+F+G+H) $ 18,458,259,636.92
Monthly Principal Payment Rate 53.34 %

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Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period 8/01/2024-8/31/2024
Determination Date 9/12/2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
II. Interest Collections Trust Total
Gross Interest Collections $ 153,807,308.54
Interest Adjustments $ 0.00
Recoveries $ 0.00
Interest Earned on Collection Account $ 3,952,427.84
Interest Earned on Excess Funding Account $ 0.00
Interest Earned on Backup Servicer Reserve Account $ 891.93
Interest Collections $ 157,760,628.31
Memo: Annualized Yield 11.34 %
III. Principal Collections
Trust Total
Principal Collections $ 8,907,686,821.89
IV. Series Balances
Series Beginning of Period Adjusted Invested Amount Increase/(Decrease) End of Period Adjusted Invested Amount Increase/(Decrease) Payment Date Adjusted Invested Amount
2006-1 $ 1,000,000,000.00 $ 1,500,000,000.00 $ 2,500,000,000.00 $ (1,000,000,000.00) $ 1,500,000,000.00
2014-5 $ 250,000,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 250,000,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 250,000,000.00
2018-4 $ 807,334,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 807,334,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 807,334,000.00
2019-4 $ 805,922,000.00 $ (805,922,000.00) $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
2020-2 $ 863,487,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 863,487,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 863,487,000.00
2023-1 $ 1,726,974,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,726,974,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,726,974,000.00
2024-1 $ 1,093,750,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,093,750,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,093,750,000.00
2024-2 $ 518,092,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 518,092,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 518,092,000.00
Depositor's Amount: $ 9,635,256,731.97 $ 10,698,622,636.92
Total $ 16,700,815,731.97 $ 18,458,259,636.92

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Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period 8/01/2024-8/31/2024
Determination Date 9/12/2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
V. Principal and Interest Allocations
Series Floating Investor % Investor Principal Collections Investor Interest Collections
2006-1 7.53 % $ 671,011,817.10 $ 11,884,033.19
2014-5 1.50 % $ 133,342,091.86 $ 2,361,570.70
2018-4 4.83 % $ 430,606,417.56 $ 7,626,305.27
2019-4 4.83 % $ 429,853,301.42 $ 7,612,967.12
2020-2 5.17 % $ 460,556,651.50 $ 8,156,742.39
2023-1 10.34 % $ 921,113,302.99 $ 16,313,484.78
2024-1 6.55 % $ 583,371,651.89 $ 10,331,871.81
2024-2 3.10 % $ 276,333,884.22 $ 4,894,043.55
Depositors % 56.15 % $ 5,001,497,703.35 $ 88,579,609.50
100.00 % $ 8,907,686,821.89 $ 157,760,628.31
Excess Depositor % 47.43 %
Excess Depositor Collection $ 4,224,901,471.97 $ 74,825,611.19
Depositor Servicing Fee $ 7,814,326.84
Depositor Backup Servicing Fee $ 50,793.13
VI. Status Accounts and Net Losses
Trust Total
Principal Reduction - Receivables relating to accounts (including Performance Impaired and other "status" accounts) that were reassigned by the Issuer to the Depositors. $ 3,240,829.00
Status Distribution
Number of Days Since Redesignation of Status Account Principal Balance in Redesignated Status Accounts % of Total Principal Balance Number of Redesignated Status Accounts % of Total Number of Designated Accounts
1-30 - - - -
31-60 - - - -
61-90 - - - -
91-120 - - - -
121-150 - - - -
151-180 - - - -
Total - - - -
The principal amount of Receivables in "status" accounts that remain in the Trust Pool following the end of the Collection Period $ 0.00
The principal amount of Receivables in "status" accounts as a % of Trust Pool 0.00 %
Status Trigger (11.1%) Occurred? Yes (Y) / No (N)

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Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period 8/01/2024-8/31/2024
Determination Date 9/12/2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
Net Losses
# of Dealer Accounts Amount
Current Collection Period Loss:
Defaulted Receivables (Charge-Offs) 0 $ 0.00
(Recoveries) 0 $ 0.00
Net Loss for Current Collection Period $ 0.00
Ratio of Net Loss for Current Collection Period to Average of Period Pool Balance 0 %
Prior and Current Collection Period Losses:
Ratio of Net Loss to Average of Period Pool Balance
Third Prior Collection Period 0 %
Second Prior Collection Period 0 %
Prior Collection Period 0 %
Current Collection Period 0 %
Four Month Average (Current and Prior Three Collection Periods) 0 %
VII. Excess Funding Account
Beginning Period Balance $ 0.00
Net Deposits / (Withdrawals) $ 0.00
Ending Period Balance $ 0.00
Determination Date balance before giving effect to Payment Date Cashflows $ 0.00
Determination Date balance after giving effect to Payment Date Cashflows $ 0.00
Excess Funding Account as a % of aggregate Adjusted Invested Amount 0.00 %
Interest earned on Excess Funding Account $ 0.00
VIII. Backup Servicer Reserve Account
Backup Servicer Reserve Account $ 200,000.00

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Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period 8/01/2024-8/31/2024
Determination Date 9/12/2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
IX. Non-Conforming Receivables
Trust Total
Ineligible Receivables $ 37,878,126.09
Dealer Overconcentration a\ $ 83,231,988.93
Manufacturer Overconcentration (>2% of pool balance) $ 0.00
Used Vehicle Overconcentration b\ $ 0.00
Medium and Heavy Truck Overconcentration $ 0.00
Development Dealer Overconcentration $ 0.00
Fleet Overconcentration $ 0.00
Non-Conforming Receivable Amount $ 121,110,115.02
Principal Receivables relating to Vehicles on Used Lines. $ 742,800,766.25
Principal Receivables relating to Vehicles on Used Lines as a % of Pool Balance 4.02 %
Principal Receivables relating to AutoNation $ 411,006,511.24
Principal Receivables relating to AutoNation as a % of Pool Balance 2.23 %
Principal Receivables relating to Development Dealers $ 0.00
Principal Receivables relating to Development Dealers as a % of Pool Balance 0.00 %
Principal Receivables relating to Fleet $ 1,100,267,492.86
Principal Receivables relating to Fleet as a % of Pool Balance 5.96 %
Principal Receivables relating to New and Used Medium Heavy Truck Lines $ 367,197,768.23
Principal Receivables relating to New and Used Medium Heavy Truck Lines as a % of Pool Balance
1.99 %
Principal Receivables relating to Program Vehicles c\ $ 336,474,556.22
Principal Receivables relating to Program Vehicles as % of Pool Balance
1.82 %
a\ The Dealer Overconcentration amount is calculated using the lowest limits of all series currently outstanding.
b\ Includes Receivables related to Vehicles on Used Lines and Program Lines.
c\ Primarily off-lease vehicles purchased by a dealer at a Ford Credit approved auction. Program lines are separate from Used Lines

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Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period 8/01/2024-8/31/2024
Determination Date 9/12/2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
X. Subordination and Depositor Amount as of Determination Date
Subordinated % Subordinated % times (Initial Note Balance minus EFA) Incremental Subordinated Amount Required Subordinated Amount
Series (A) (B) (A + B)
2006-1 33.33 % $ 500,000,000.00 $ 12,961,783.38 $ 512,961,783.38
2014-5 17.65 % $ 44,117,647.06 $ 1,906,144.61 $ 46,023,791.67
2018-4 15.61 % $ 126,000,104.05 $ 6,048,837.24 $ 132,048,941.29
2019-4 14.29 % $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
2020-2 14.29 % $ 123,355,285.71 $ 6,395,617.97 $ 129,750,903.68
2023-1 14.29 % $ 246,710,571.43 $ 12,791,235.94 $ 259,501,807.37
2024-1 14.29 % $ 156,250,000.00 $ 8,101,114.61 $ 164,351,114.61
2024-2 14.29 % $ 74,013,142.86 $ 3,837,369.30 $ 77,850,512.16
Required Subordinated Amount Required Pool % minus 100% times Initial Invested Amount Required Depositor Amount as of Determination Date
Series (C) (D) (C + D)
2006-1 $ 512,961,783.38 $ 0.00 $ 512,961,783.38
2014-5 $ 46,023,791.67 $ 0.00 $ 46,023,791.67
2018-4 $ 132,048,941.29 $ 0.00 $ 132,048,941.29
2019-4 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
2020-2 $ 129,750,903.68 $ 0.00 $ 129,750,903.68
2023-1 $ 259,501,807.37 $ 0.00 $ 259,501,807.37
2024-1 $ 164,351,114.61 $ 0.00 $ 164,351,114.61
2024-2 $ 77,850,512.16 $ 0.00 $ 77,850,512.16
Required Depositor Amount $ 1,322,488,854.16
Depositor Amount $ 11,927,624,076.54
Memo: Determination Date Pool Balance $ 18,687,261,076.54

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Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period 8/01/2024-8/31/2024
Determination Date 9/12/2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024

XI. Redesignation Notice

If the below "Redesignated Account" box(es) has been marked "Yes", notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 2.8
of the Fifth Amended and Restated Sale and Servicing Agreement dated as of December 1, 2010, that the redesignation
of certain Accounts and the reassignment of the Receivables and Related Security in such Accounts
occurred on the Redesignation Date of August 1, 2024 and a Redesignated Account Schedule has been delivered
to the Owner Trustee and the Indenture Trustee according to the Sale and Servicing Agreements.
Depositor Trust Redesignated Accounts
Yes No
Ford Credit Floorplan Corporation Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A X
Ford Credit Floorplan LLC Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A X
XII. Early Amortization Declarations
Yes No
1.Breach of covenants or agreements made in the Sale and Servicing Agreement, Indenture or Indenture Supplement and uncured for 60 days X
2. Failure to make any required payment or deposit under the Sale and Servicing Agreement,
Indenture or Indenture Supplement and uncured for 5 business days
3. Breach of any representation or warranty made in the Sale and Servicing Agreement,
Indenture or Indenture Supplement and uncured for 60 days
4. Bankruptcy, insolvency or receivership of Ford Credit, FCFMOTA or Ford X
5. FCFMOTA is an investment company within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940 X
6. Failure of FCF Corp or FCF LLC to convey Receivables pursuant to the Sale and Servicing
Agreement and uncured for 10 days
7. Available Subordinated Amount is less than the Required Subordinated Amount and uncured for
5 days
8. Servicer default or an event of default with respect to the outstanding notes has occurred X
9. Average monthly payment rate for the past three periods is less than 21% X
10. Excess Funding Account Balance exceeds 70% of Outstanding Series Adjusted Invested
Amounts for 3 consecutive periods
Additional statistical information about Ford Credit's U.S. Dealer Floorplan portfolio and the Trust's pool for the most recently available quarter can be found on Ford Credit's website at, located under "Other Documents" in the "Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A" section.

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Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period 8/01/2024-8/31/2024
Determination Date 9/12/2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024

XIII. Repurchase Demand Activity (Rule 15Ga-1)

No Activity to Report

Most Recent Form ABS-15G
Filed by: Ford Motor Credit Company LLC
CIK#: 0000038009
February 5, 2024

Servicer Certification
Ford Motor Credit Company LLC
/s/ Ryan M. Hershberger
Assistant Treasurer

The Adjusted Invested Amount decrease for Series 2019-4 is related to the maturity scheduled for September 16, 2024, and
reflects trapped Principal Collections in the Collections Account allocable to Series 2019-4.

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Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period 8/01/2024-8/31/2024
Determination Date 9/12/2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
Series 2018-4 Summary
I. Origination Information
Date of Origination 12/21/2018
Expected Final Payment Date 11/15/2028
Final Maturity Date 11/15/2030
Class A Notes Class B Notes Class C Notes Class D Notes
Original Principal Outstanding $ 700,000,000.00 $ 32,667,000.00 $ 46,667,000.00 $ 28,000,000.00
Note Interest rate 4.06 % 4.26 % 4.46 % 4.65 %
Total Original Principal Outstanding $ 807,334,000.00
II. Series Allocations
Current Floating Investor % 4.83409920 %
Investor Principal Collections $ 430,606,417.56
Principal Default Amounts $ 0.00
Investor Interest Collections $ 7,626,305.27
III. Collections
Investor Interest Collections $ 7,626,305.27
Reserve Fund Investment Proceeds $ 14,242.54
Accumulation Period Reserve Account Release $ 0.00
Accumulation Period Reserve Account Investment Proceeds $ 0.00
Principal Funding Account Investment Proceeds $ 0.00
Excess Depositor Interest/Principal Allocation $ 867,026.92
Available Investor Interest Collections $ 8,507,574.73
Shared Interest Collections from Excess Interest Sharing Group One $ 0.00
Available Subordination Draw $ 0.00
Reserve Fund Draw $ 0.00
Reallocated Principal Collections $ 0.00
Total Interest Amounts $ 8,507,574.73
Memo: Annualized Yield incl. Excess Depositor Interest and Shared Interest Collections from Interest Sharing Group One 11.34 %
Investor Principal Collections $ 430,606,417.56
Investor Default Amount, Investor Charge-Off and Reallocated Principal Collections $ 0.00
Shared Principal Collections from Principal Sharing Group One (Withdrawal from EFA) $ 0.00
Reserve Fund Draw $ 0.00
Available Investor Principal Collections $ 430,606,417.56

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Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period 8/01/2024-8/31/2024
Determination Date 9/12/2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
IV. Interest Calculations
Class A Notes Class B Notes
Original Principal Outstanding $ 700,000,000.00 $ 32,667,000.00
Note Interest Rate 4.06 % 4.26 %
Days in Interest Period 30 30
Monthly Interest $ 2,368,333.33 $ 115,967.85
Class C Notes Class D Notes
Original Principal Outstanding $ 46,667,000.00 $ 28,000,000.00
Note Interest Rate 4.46 % 4.65 %
Days in Interest Period 30 30
Monthly Interest $ 173,445.68 $ 108,500.00
V. Available Investor Interest Collections Distribution Payments by Priority
Total Interest Amount $ 8,507,574.73
(1) Current Interest Plus Unpaid Interest from Prior Periods - Class A Notes $ 2,368,333.33
(2) Current Interest Plus Unpaid Interest from Prior Periods - Class B Notes $ 115,967.85
(3) Current Interest Plus Unpaid Interest from Prior Periods - Class C Notes $ 173,445.68
(4) Current Interest Plus Unpaid Interest from Prior Periods - Class D Notes $ 108,500.00
(5) Trustee and Other Fees/Expenses $ 0.00
(6) Current and past due Back-up Servicing Fee or Servicing Fee if Ford Credit is no longer Servicer $ 9,972.34
(7) Investor Default Amount, to be added to Principal Collections $ 0.00
(8) Replenish Reserve Fund $ 0.00
(9) Investor Chargeoffs not previously reimbursed, to be added to Principal Collections $ 0.00
(10) Reallocated Principal Collections not previously reimbursed, to be added to Principal Collections $ 0.00
(11) Fund Accumulation Period Reserve Account $ 0.00
(12) Servicing Fees due Ford Credit $ 1,534,205.98
(13) Required Subordination Shortfall to be sent to holders of Depositor Interest $ 0.00
(14) Additional Trustee and Other Fees/Expenses $ 0.00
(15) Other Amounts due to Back-up Servicer or Successor Servicer $ 0.00
(16) Shared with other series in Excess Interest Sharing Group One $ 0.00
(17) To the Depositor's Interest Account, remaining amounts to Holders of Depositor Interest $ 4,197,149.55

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Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period 8/01/2024-8/31/2024
Determination Date 9/12/2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
VI. Available Investor Principal Collections Distribution Payments by Priority
Available Investor Principal Collections $ 430,606,417.56
Deposit to Principal Funding Account $ 0.00
Shared with other series in Principal Sharing Group One $ 46,183,528.51
Remainder released to holders of Depositor Interest $ 384,422,889.05
VII. Subordination and Participation
Subordination % 15.61%
Incremental Subordinated Amount $ 6,048,837.24
Required Subordinated Amount $ 132,048,941.29
Required Pool % minus 100% times Initial Invested Amount $ 0.00
Required Depositor Amount Series 2018-4 $ 132,048,941.29
VIII. Distribution to Holders of Notes
(per $1,000 denomination note)
Total Amount Allocable to Principal Class A $ 0.00
Total Amount Allocable to Interest Class A $ 3.38
Total Amount Distributed Class A $ 3.38
Total Amount Allocable to Principal Class B $ 0.00
Total Amount Allocable to Interest Class B $ 3.55
Total Amount Distributed Class B $ 3.55
Total Amount Allocable to Principal Class C $ 0.00
Total Amount Allocable to Interest Class C $ 3.72
Total Amount Distributed Class C $ 3.72
Total Amount Allocable to Principal Class D $ 0.00
Total Amount Allocable to Interest Class D $ 3.88
Total Amount Distributed Class D $ 3.88
IX. Reserve Fund
Beginning of Collection Period Balance $ 3,229,336.00
Reserve Fund Draw $ 0.00
Increases/(Decreases) $ 0.00
End of Collection Period Balance $ 3,229,336.00
Increases/(Decreases) $ 0.00
Payment Date Balance $ 3,229,336.00

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Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period 8/01/2024-8/31/2024
Determination Date 9/12/2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
X. Credit Risk Retention
As of the Determination Date, Ford Motor Credit Company LLC, through the Depositors, maintained a seller's interest in the Trust equal to at least 5% of each series of ABS interests issued by the Trust according to Regulation RR under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The seller's interest is represented by the Depositor Interest, which is required to be maintained and made available for the Series 2018-4 Notes in an amount equal to the percentage stated below (which is the Subordinated Percentage for the Series 2018-4 Notes) of the aggregate unpaid principal balance of the Series 2018-4 Notes:
Seller's Interest: 15.61 %
XI. EEA Credit Risk Retention
As of the issue date of this report, Ford Motor Credit Company LLC discloses that it continues to retain, as "originator" (as that term is used in the EEA Risk Retention Rules), on a consolidated basis through its 100% ownership interests in the Depositors, a material net economic interest in the Receivables of not less than 5% of the aggregate nominal value of the Receivables. The method of retention is in the form of an originator's interest (as described in Article 405(1)(b) of the CRR, Article 51(1)(b) of the AIFM Regulation and Article 254(2)(b) of the Solvency II Regulation), which form has not changed and will not change and which retention will not be subject to any credit risk mitigation, any short position or any other hedge and will not be sold, except as permitted by the EEA Risk Retention Rules.

XII. Memo Items
Excess Funding Amount Series 2018-4 $ 0.00
Accumulation Period Reserve Account Balance $ 0.00
Trapped Principal Collections Allocable to Series 2018-4 - This Collection Period $ 0.00
Trapped Principal Collections Allocable to Series 2018-4 - Cumulative to this Payment Date $ 0.00

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Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period 8/01/2024-8/31/2024
Determination Date 9/12/2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
Series 2019-4 Summary
I. Origination Information
Date of Origination 09/20/2019
Expected Final Payment Date 09/15/2024
Final Maturity Date 09/15/2026
Class A Notes Class B Notes Class C Notes Class D Notes
Original Principal Outstanding $ 700,000,000.00 $ 32,237,000.00 $ 46,053,000.00 $ 27,632,000.00
Note Interest rate 2.44 % 2.64 % 2.83 % 3.03 %
Total Original Principal Outstanding $ 805,922,000.00
II. Series Allocations
Current Floating Investor % 4.82564452 %
Investor Principal Collections $ 429,853,301.42
Principal Default Amounts $ 0.00
Investor Interest Collections $ 7,612,967.12
III. Collections
Investor Interest Collections $ 7,612,967.12
Reserve Fund Investment Proceeds $ 14,217.59
Accumulation Period Reserve Account Release $ 2,014,805.00
Accumulation Period Reserve Account Investment Proceeds $ 8,836.35
Principal Funding Account Investment Proceeds $ 0.00
Excess Depositor Interest/Principal Allocation $ 865,510.52
Available Investor Interest Collections $ 10,516,336.58
Shared Interest Collections from Excess Interest Sharing Group One $ 0.00
Available Subordination Draw $ 0.00
Reserve Fund Draw $ 0.00
Reallocated Principal Collections $ 0.00
Total Interest Amounts $ 10,516,336.58
Memo: Annualized Yield incl. Excess Depositor Interest and Shared Interest Collections from Interest Sharing Group One 11.34 %
Investor Principal Collections $ 429,853,301.42
Investor Default Amount, Investor Charge-Off and Reallocated Principal Collections $ 0.00
Shared Principal Collections from Principal Sharing Group One (Withdrawal from EFA) $ 372,845,010.58
Reserve Fund Draw $ 3,223,688.00
Available Investor Principal Collections $ 805,922,000.00

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Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period 8/01/2024-8/31/2024
Determination Date 9/12/2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
IV. Interest Calculations
Class A Notes Class B Notes
Original Principal Outstanding $ 700,000,000.00 $ 32,237,000.00
Note Interest Rate 2.44 % 2.64 %
Days in Interest Period 30 30
Monthly Interest $ 1,423,333.33 $ 70,921.40
Class C Notes Class D Notes
Original Principal Outstanding $ 46,053,000.00 $ 27,632,000.00
Note Interest Rate 2.83 % 3.03 %
Days in Interest Period 30 30
Monthly Interest $ 108,608.33 $ 69,770.80
V. Available Investor Interest Collections Distribution Payments by Priority
Total Interest Amount $ 10,516,336.58
(1) Current Interest Plus Unpaid Interest from Prior Periods - Class A Notes $ 1,423,333.33
(2) Current Interest Plus Unpaid Interest from Prior Periods - Class B Notes $ 70,921.40
(3) Current Interest Plus Unpaid Interest from Prior Periods - Class C Notes $ 108,608.33
(4) Current Interest Plus Unpaid Interest from Prior Periods - Class D Notes $ 69,770.80
(5) Trustee and Other Fees/Expenses $ 0.00
(6) Current and past due Back-up Servicing Fee or Servicing Fee if Ford Credit is no longer Servicer $ 9,954.90
(7) Investor Default Amount, to be added to Principal Collections $ 0.00
(8) Replenish Reserve Fund $ 0.00
(9) Investor Chargeoffs not previously reimbursed, to be added to Principal Collections $ 0.00
(10) Reallocated Principal Collections not previously reimbursed, to be added to Principal Collections $ 0.00
(11) Fund Accumulation Period Reserve Account $ 0.00
(12) Servicing Fees due Ford Credit $ 1,531,522.70
(13) Required Subordination Shortfall to be sent to holders of Depositor Interest $ 0.00
(14) Additional Trustee and Other Fees/Expenses $ 0.00
(15) Other Amounts due to Back-up Servicer or Successor Servicer $ 0.00
(16) Shared with other series in Excess Interest Sharing Group One $ 0.00
(17) To the Depositor's Interest Account, remaining amounts to Holders of Depositor Interest $ 7,302,225.12

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Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period 8/01/2024-8/31/2024
Determination Date 9/12/2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
VI. Available Investor Principal Collections Distribution Payments by Priority
Available Investor Principal Collections $ 805,922,000.00
Deposit to Principal Funding Account $ 805,922,000.00
Shared with other series in Principal Sharing Group One $ 0.00
Remainder released to holders of Depositor Interest $ 0.00
VII. Subordination and Participation
Subordination % 14.29%
Incremental Subordinated Amount $ 0.00
Required Subordinated Amount $ -
Required Pool % minus 100% times Initial Invested Amount $ 0.00
Required Depositor Amount Series 2019-4 $ -
VIII. Distribution to Holders of Notes
(per $1,000 denomination note)
Total Amount Allocable to Principal Class A $ 1,000.00
Total Amount Allocable to Interest Class A $ 2.03
Total Amount Distributed Class A $ 1,002.03
Total Amount Allocable to Principal Class B $ 1,000.00
Total Amount Allocable to Interest Class B $ 2.20
Total Amount Distributed Class B $ 1,002.20
Total Amount Allocable to Principal Class C $ 1,000.00
Total Amount Allocable to Interest Class C $ 2.36
Total Amount Distributed Class C $ 1,002.36
Total Amount Allocable to Principal Class D $ 1,000.00
Total Amount Allocable to Interest Class D $ 2.53
Total Amount Distributed Class D $ 1,002.53
IX. Reserve Fund
Beginning of Collection Period Balance $ 3,223,688.00
Reserve Fund Draw $ 0.00
Increases/(Decreases) $ 0.00
End of Collection Period Balance $ 3,223,688.00
Increases/(Decreases) $ (3,223,688.00)
Payment Date Balance $ -

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Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period 8/01/2024-8/31/2024
Determination Date 9/12/2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
X. Credit Risk Retention
As of the Determination Date, Ford Motor Credit Company LLC, through the Depositors, maintained a seller's interest in the Trust equal to at least 5% of each series of ABS interests issued by the Trust according to Regulation RR under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The seller's interest is represented by the Depositor Interest, which is required to be maintained and made available for the Series 2019-4 Notes in an amount equal to the percentage stated below (which is the Subordinated Percentage for the Series 2019-4 Notes) of the aggregate unpaid principal balance of the Series 2019-4 Notes:
Seller's Interest: 14.29 %
XI. Memo Items
Excess Funding Amount Series 2019-4 $0.00
Accumulation Period Reserve Account Balance $2,014,805.00
Trapped Principal Collections Allocable to Series 2019-4 - This Collection Period $805,922,000.00
Trapped Principal Collections Allocable to Series 2019-4 - Cumulative to this Payment Date $805,922,000.00

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Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period 8/01/2024-8/31/2024
Determination Date 9/12/2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
Series 2020-2 Summary
I. Origination Information
Date of Origination 09/18/2020
Expected Final Payment Date 09/15/2025
Final Maturity Date 09/15/2027
Class A Notes Class B Notes Class C Notes Class D Notes
Original Principal Outstanding $ 750,000,000.00 $ 44,408,000.00 $ 39,474,000.00 $ 29,605,000.00
Note Interest rate 1.06 % 1.32 % 1.87 % 2.31 %
Total Original Principal Outstanding $ 863,487,000.00
II. Series Allocations
Current Floating Investor % 5.17032829 %
Investor Principal Collections $ 460,556,651.50
Principal Default Amounts $ 0.00
Investor Interest Collections $ 8,156,742.39
III. Collections
Investor Interest Collections $ 8,156,742.39
Reserve Fund Investment Proceeds $ 19,041.45
Accumulation Period Reserve Account Release $ 0.00
Accumulation Period Reserve Account Investment Proceeds $ 0.00
Principal Funding Account Investment Proceeds $ 0.00
Excess Depositor Interest/Principal Allocation $ 927,331.78
Available Investor Interest Collections $ 9,103,115.62
Shared Interest Collections from Excess Interest Sharing Group One $ 0.00
Available Subordination Draw $ 0.00
Reserve Fund Draw $ 0.00
Reallocated Principal Collections $ 0.00
Total Interest Amounts $ 9,103,115.62
Memo: Annualized Yield incl. Excess Depositor Interest and Shared Interest Collections from Interest Sharing Group One 11.34 %
Investor Principal Collections $ 460,556,651.50
Investor Default Amount, Investor Charge-Off and Reallocated Principal Collections $ 0.00
Shared Principal Collections from Principal Sharing Group One (Withdrawal from EFA) $ 0.00
Reserve Fund Draw $ 0.00
Available Investor Principal Collections $ 460,556,651.50

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Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period 8/01/2024-8/31/2024
Determination Date 9/12/2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
IV. Interest Calculations
Class A Notes Class B Notes
Original Principal Outstanding $ 750,000,000.00 $ 44,408,000.00
Note Interest Rate 1.06 % 1.32 %
Days in Interest Period 30 30
Monthly Interest $ 662,500.00 $ 48,848.80
Class C Notes Class D Notes
Original Principal Outstanding $ 39,474,000.00 $ 29,605,000.00
Note Interest Rate 1.87 % 2.31 %
Days in Interest Period 30 30
Monthly Interest $ 61,513.65 $56,989.63
V. Available Investor Interest Collections Distribution Payments by Priority
Total Interest Amount $ 9,103,115.62
(1) Current Interest Plus Unpaid Interest from Prior Periods - Class A Notes $ 662,500.00
(2) Current Interest Plus Unpaid Interest from Prior Periods - Class B Notes $ 48,848.80
(3) Current Interest Plus Unpaid Interest from Prior Periods - Class C Notes $ 61,513.65
(4) Current Interest Plus Unpaid Interest from Prior Periods - Class D Notes $ 56,989.63
(5) Trustee and Other Fees/Expenses $ 0.00
(6) Current and past due Back-up Servicing Fee or Servicing Fee if Ford Credit is no longer Servicer $ 10,665.95
(7) Investor Default Amount, to be added to Principal Collections $ 0.00
(8) Replenish Reserve Fund $ 0.00
(9) Investor Chargeoffs not previously reimbursed, to be added to Principal Collections $ 0.00
(10) Reallocated Principal Collections not previously reimbursed, to be added to Principal Collections $ 0.00
(11) Fund Accumulation Period Reserve Account $ 0.00
(12) Servicing Fees due Ford Credit $ 1,640,915.55
(13) Required Subordination Shortfall to be sent to holders of Depositor Interest $ 0.00
(14) Additional Trustee and Other Fees/Expenses $ 0.00
(15) Other Amounts due to Back-up Servicer or Successor Servicer $ 0.00
(16) Shared with other series in Excess Interest Sharing Group One $ 0.00
(17) To the Depositor's Interest Account, remaining amounts to Holders of Depositor Interest $ 6,621,682.04

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Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period 8/01/2024-8/31/2024
Determination Date 9/12/2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
VI. Available Investor Principal Collections Distribution Payments by Priority
Available Investor Principal Collections $ 460,556,651.50
Deposit to Principal Funding Account $ 0.00
Shared with other series in Principal Sharing Group One $ 49,395,759.97
Remainder released to holders of Depositor Interest $ 411,160,891.53
VII. Subordination and Participation
Subordination % 14.29%
Incremental Subordinated Amount $ 6,395,617.97
Required Subordinated Amount $ 129,750,903.68
Required Pool % minus 100% times Initial Invested Amount $ 0.00
Required Depositor Amount Series 2020-2 $ 129,750,903.68
VIII. Distribution to Holders of Notes
(per $1,000 denomination note)
Total Amount Allocable to Principal Class A $ 0.00
Total Amount Allocable to Interest Class A $ 0.88
Total Amount Distributed Class A $ 0.88
Total Amount Allocable to Principal Class B $ 0.00
Total Amount Allocable to Interest Class B $ 1.10
Total Amount Distributed Class B $ 1.10
Total Amount Allocable to Principal Class C $ 0.00
Total Amount Allocable to Interest Class C $ 1.56
Total Amount Distributed Class C $ 1.56
Total Amount Allocable to Principal Class D $ 0.00
Total Amount Allocable to Interest Class D $ 1.93
Total Amount Distributed Class D $ 1.93
IX. Reserve Fund
Beginning of Collection Period Balance $ 4,317,435.00
Reserve Fund Draw $ 0.00
Increases/(Decreases) $ 0.00
End of Collection Period Balance $ 4,317,435.00
Increases/(Decreases) $ 0.00
Payment Date Balance $ 4,317,435.00

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Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust A
Monthly Investor Report
Collection Period 8/01/2024-8/31/2024
Determination Date 9/12/2024
Payment Date 9/16/2024
X. Credit Risk Retention
As of the Determination Date, Ford Motor Credit Company LLC, through the Depositors, maintained a seller's interest in the Trust equal to at least 5% of each series of ABS interests issued by the Trust according to Regulation RR under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The seller's interest is represented by the Depositor Interest, which is required to be maintained and made available for the Series 2020-2 Notes in an amount equal to the percentage stated below (which is the Subordinated Percentage for the Series 2020-2 Notes) of the aggregate unpaid principal balance of the Series 2020-2 Notes:
Seller's Interest: 14.29 %
XI. Memo Items
Excess Funding Amount Series 2020-2 $0.00
Accumulation Period Reserve Account Balance $0.00
Trapped Principal Collections Allocable to Series 2020-2 - This Collection Period $0.00
Trapped Principal Collections Allocable to Series 2020-2 - Cumulative to this Payment Date $0.00

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