John Kennedy

24/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 25/07/2024 05:43

Kennedy statement on Israel, Netanyahu address

WASHINGTON - Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) today released the following statement upon attending Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech was exceptional. Unfortunately, mere months after the October 7 massacre, some people in Washington still seem confused about why America supports Israel. Too many people-many of whom descended on the Capitol today-still apparently believe in diversity, equity, inclusion and the right to kill Jews. That bloodlust has never been-and will never be-what most Americans believe.

"Louisiana still understands that the debased people who slaughtered more than 300 young people at a peaceful music festival are the bad guys. The odious men who raped women next to the bodies of their dead friends don't deserve to be on this planet. The evil we saw unfold when Hamas butchered Israeli civilians is indefensible. And we all saw it.

"Hamas terrorists brutalized thousands of people, including Americans. Hamas is still holding eight Americans in Gaza. We believe five of our fellow citizens being held there are still alive. President Biden and Vice President Harris need to bring them home, and every day until then they need to condemn the Hamas terrorists who have murdered, kidnapped and abused our fellow Americans.

"Israel has both the right and the responsibility to defend itself. This world will be a safer place for Americans and Israelis alike when Hamas ceases to exist.

"Let's not forget that Hamas are the wicked people who are using civilians as human shields. Hamas are the bloodthirsty people who dug up their people's water pipes to turn them into rocket launchers.

"The truth is that the Palestinian people, the people of Gaza and the Israeli people all suffer because of Hamas. The truth is that Hamas brutalized Israeli citizens and then ran home to hide behind their women and children, using them as human shields.

"The only way to stop the cycle is to eliminate Hamas. Hamas doesn't want a permanent cease fire. After all, they had that on October 6. Hamas wants America, Israel and every decent person on earth to let them catch their breath so that they can reload and take aim again at innocent Americans and Israelis.

"Hamas is working with Iran, and Iran is hellbent on developing a nuclear weapon and pointing it at America and our allies. Iran is the author of chaotic, senseless suffering across the Middle East, and Tehran wants nothing more than to annihilate Israel and take its terrorism global. America needs to keep supporting Israel as it destroys Hamas and working with Israel to defeat Tehran's terrorism and its evil aspirations definitively. I'm thankful that Prime Minister Netanyahu came to join us in that effort today."