
ACS - American Constitution Society

12/08/2023 | News release | Distributed by Public on 12/08/2023 10:02

We Need to Be Prepared

Friends, we are gearing up for a most consequential year for our democracy. We have been talking all year about the struggle underway in this country between our pursuit of a multiracial democracy and the threat of authoritarianism. Next year could determine whether our democracy prevails, which is why we are asking for your support now, because we need to be prepared.

What we know for sure about next year:

- It is the last year in which we know who is in the White House and the make up of the Senate. It's the last year when we know we can confirm diverse, qualified judges, which is why we are laser-focused on pressing President Biden and the Senate majority to maximize judicial confirmations. We cannot leave any vacancy to chance.
- Our electoral systems will be tested. Every election cycle over the past decade has seen an increase in litigation over voting rights and electoral laws ahead of Election Day and about election results afterwards. There continue to be those who deny the results of the 2020 election and who are actively working to undermine our next election. This is why we are already recruiting folks to serve as poll workers in the primary and general elections next year, so that we help ensure that no polling place is shut down due to insufficient staffing. We are mobilizing our network around down ballot races, specifically for those positions that are on the frontlines of election security and upholding the rule of law. This includes Secretaries of State, State Attorneys General, and state court judges. Next year will be a critical year to vote your full ballot!
- There is a concerted faction in this country who are increasingly looking beyond elections and beyond democracy. Their goal is to rewrite the U.S. Constitution to solidify control of our political and economic institutions, regardless of electoral outcomes. They are lobbying states to call for an Article V Convention - and they are building momentum. We are one of the only organizations sounding the alarm on this, and we will not stop!

But, friends, we can't do any of this without you. Now more than ever, we need our members and supporters to step up and ensure we have the resources to be on the frontlines of safeguarding our democracy. If you have already contributed to our End of Year Campaign, thank you! If you haven't already, there is still time. Every dollar helps as we prepare for the enormity that will be 2024. Thank you for your support and for being a member of the progressive legal movement. Together, we are ACS!