Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Mexican States

09/25/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/26/2024 10:19

Mexico participates in UN Security Council and G20 meetings

Mexico participates in UN Security Council and G20 meetings

Press Release 363

Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores | September 25, 2024 | Press Release

Mexico participates in UN Security Council and G20 meetings
  • The Mexican delegation attends the UN Security Council open debate on "Leadership for Peace" and the second G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting
  • Mexico reaffirms its commitment to multilateralism and calls for comprehensive reform of global governance to enhance inclusivity, effectiveness, and democracy

During the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, Mexico participated in two key meetings: the UN Security Council open debate on "Leadership for Peace" and the second G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting.

Representing Foreign Secretary Alicia Bárcena, Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights Joel Hernández García attended the Security Council open debate on "Leadership for Peace."

In his remarks, the Ambassador emphasized the need to "examine how the Security Council fits into the new push for multilateralism agreed upon in the "Pact for the Future," noting that "it is clear that in pressing conflicts such as those in Ukraine, Gaza, and Sudan, the Security Council has fallen far behind…the frequent veto use has only undermined the council's credibility."

To strengthen the council's effective leadership, the Undersecretary proposed four key strategies: addressing the root causes of crises efficiently, moving beyond rhetorical speeches; greater use of regional organizations; limiting veto use and ceasing to impose national considerations over the collective good; and strengthening the General Assembly's powers.

"Mexico has faith in multilateralism and the UN's leading role… let us show the world that the Security Council can show leadership for peace," he concluded.

Separately, Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs María Teresa Mercado Pérez and Director General for Europe and G20 Sherpa Jennifer Feller Enríquez led Mexico's delegation to the second G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting. Hosted by Brazil, the current G20 president, the meeting focused on reforming global governance institutions.

Undersecretary Mercado called for G20 members to drive the comprehensive reform of global governance to make it more inclusive, effective and democratic.

She said, "The international community faces a decisive moment where global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate change, pandemics, and geopolitical conflicts disproportionaly affect the most vulnerable people and nations…The international order created in recent decades is no longer effective, and multilateral institutions are ill-equipped to offer solutions to structural global crises." She emphasized that "the G20 has the potential to catalyze global governance reform and enhance the functioning of international financial bodies."

The meeting culminated in the adoption of a Special Declaration by the G20 member countries and invited nations, in which the Foreign Ministers committed to the reform of key UN bodies, including the General Assembly and Security Council, as well as international financial institutions. This agreement aims to strengthen the multilateral system and make global governance more representative.