State of Hawaii

09/03/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/03/2024 19:08

Kahului Park & Ride lot striping

Home» Highways News, Main, News » Kahului Park & Ride lot striping

Kahului Park & Ride lot striping

Posted on Sep 3, 2024 in Highways News, Main, News

KAHULUI, Hawaiʻi - The Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation (HDOT) will be striping the Kahului Park & Ride lot from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 5 and Friday, Sept. 6.

The work will begin on the northern portion of the lot closest to Puʻunene Avenue on Thursday, Sept. 5. The southern portion of the lot will be striped on Friday, Sept. 6.

Vehicles should be moved from the north or south portions of the lot along Kūʻihēlani Highway prior to the scheduled work times. During the striping, at least two electric vehicle chargers out of the four will be available for use.

The four 150-kilowatt, direct current fast chargers have a Combined Charging System (CCS) and CHArge de MOve (CHAdeMO) ports. This is Hawaiʻi's first National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure charging station. HDOT is currently working on another NEVI station on Oʻahu.
